
Showing posts from August 10, 2020

Skeletal System Class V Question Answer

  Questions answer of Skeletal System :    Questions types :  Mcq, fill in the blanks, match the following, True or false , long questions. A: Which one is correct? 1. Our body has _______ a. 206 bones  b: 306 bones c. 300 bones  Ans: 206 bones 2. This joint allows the maximum movement a. pivot joint  b. hinge joint c. glidin joint Ans: pivot joint 3. Muscles are attached to the bones with fibras a. ligaments b. bone marrow c. tendons Ans: tendons 4. These muscles are under our control:  a. muscles attached to our skeleton b. cardiac muscles C. none of (a) and (b) Ans: muscles attached to our skelton . B.Fill in the blanks : 1. The human skeleton is a framework of bones .  2. The normal adult skull is made up of 22 bones . 3. The thigh bone is attached to the hip bone. 4. Bones join together to form joints . D. Write T' for true or 'F' for false : 1. There are three main types of joints. Ans:  false 2. The skeleton muscles lie between...