Weather , climate and adaptation
1. What is the primary source of energy which causes changes in the weather ? Ans: Sun is the primary source of energy which causes changes in weather . 2. Name any two activities of our daily life which are planned according to the weather on a day. Ans: We wear light coloured clothes during summer days and we prefer to wear dark colour clothes in winter . 3. What term is used to denote the amount of water vapour (or moisture) in air ? Ans: The term humidity is used to denote the amount of water vapour (or moisture) in air . 4. Name the instrument used to measure the rainfall at a place. Ans: The instrument used to measure the rainfall at a place is rain gauge . 5. Name the unit in which rainfall is measured. Ans: Millimeters (mm) is the unit in which rainfall is measured . 6. Which of two changes frequently weather or climate ? Ans: Weather changes frequently . 7. Name one state (or region) each in India having the following (a) Very hot and wet...