
Showing posts from July 17, 2020

Animals living and surviving : Important questions and answers.

A.Which one is correct ? 1. Amphibian live ________ a. on land b. In water  c. both a and b  2. Insects have _________ legs. a. six b. five  c. four 3. A turtle have ________ limbs . a. two b. three c. four B. Fill in the blanks : 1. Fish breathe with the help of their Gills and swim with the help of Fins . 2. Bird s breathe through their lungs, and have a body covered by feathers. 3. Amphibians breathe through their lungs  on the land and through moist skin in water. 4. Mosquitoes , beetles and aphids  are harmful destructive insects. C. Write T' for true or 'F' for false : 1. All animals can be divided into four groups.  Ans: False   2. Most fish have two sets of paired fins. Ans: True 3. Gills take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide. Ans: True 4. All insects and worms are vertebrates. Ans: False D. Match the following: 1. Salmon , gold fiish A. Reptiles 2. Crow, pigeon, sparrow B. Amphibians 3. Lizard, crocodile, snake C. Fish 4. Mouse , goat ,cow  D. Birds 5. C