
Showing posts from August 12, 2020

Test for food nutrients & deficiency of nutrients

 Important questions & answers from the topic food nutrients & deficiency . Types of questions : • Very short answer type questions • Short answer type questions • Long answer type questions • MCQs • Very Short Answer Type Questions 1. A foodstuff gives a blue-black colour with dilute iodine solution. Name the constituent of food indicated by this test. Ans: The constituent of foods stuff is starch . 2. Name the solution which can be used to test the presence of starch in a food.  Ans: Dilute iodine solution can be used to test the presence of starch in a food . 3. Which vitamin is easily destroyed by heat during the cooking of food ? Ans: Vitamin C is easily deastroyed by heat during the cooking of food . 4. When a little of food material is rubbed in the centre of a paper and then the paper is held towards light,  a  bright greasy patch (translucent patch) is observed. Name the component of food indicated by this test. Ans: The component of food indicated by this test is f

Reproduction in animals ! Questions and answer !

  Important question answer from the topic Reproduction in animals . Types of questions :  • Mcq • Fill in the blanks • True or false • Question answer • Name the following  A. Which one is correct ? 1. Albumen protects the: a. yolk b. embryo c. both Ans: both 2. Butterfly lay eggs on a.  water b. leaves c. soil Ans: leaves 3. The pupa stays in the cocoon for  a. Weeks b. months c. both  Ans: weeks ( Pupa stays in the cocoon for 5 days to 21 days ) B. Fill in the blanks : 1. Fish are aquatic animals . 2. The mother frog lays hundreds of eggs in water. 3. There are three important features of reproduction in mammals. C. Write 'T' for true or 'F' for false statements: 1. Animals reproduce to multiply in number. Ans: True 2. Butterflies complete their life cycle in three stages. Ans: False 3. Cockroaches complete their life cycle in four stages. Ans: False D. An swer the following questions:  1. What is reproduction? Ans: Reproduction is a biological process by which li