Test for food nutrients & deficiency of nutrients

 Important questions & answers from the topic food nutrients & deficiency .

Types of questions :

• Very short answer type questions

• Short answer type questions

• Long answer type questions

• MCQs

• Very Short Answer Type Questions

1. A foodstuff gives a blue-black colour with dilute iodine solution. Name the constituent of food indicated by this test.

Ans: The constituent of foods stuff is starch .

2. Name the solution which can be used to test the presence of starch in a food. 

Ans: Dilute iodine solution can be used to test the presence of starch in a food .

3. Which vitamin is easily destroyed by heat during the cooking of food ?

Ans: Vitamin C is easily deastroyed by heat during the cooking of food .

4. When a little of food material is rubbed in the centre of a paper and then the paper is held towards light, 

bright greasy patch (translucent patch) is observed. Name the component of food indicated by this test.

Ans: The component of food indicated by this test is fat .

5. When the suspension of a food-stuff is made alkaline by adding a little of sodium hydroxide solution and then 

a few drops of copper sulphate solution are added, a violet colour is produced. Name the constituent of food indicated by this test.

Ans: The constituent of food indicated by this test is protein .

6. State whether the following statement is true or false :

A balanced diet is the same for all age groups and occupations.

Ans: False . 

Balance diet vary according age, sex, etc .

7. Name the nutrient/nutrients whose deficiency causes marasmus disease in children.

Ans: The nutrients are proteins & carbohydrates whose deficiency causes marasmus disease in children .

8. Name the nutrient/nutrients whose deficiency causes kwashiorkor disease in children.

Ans: The nutrient is protein whose deficiency causes kwashiorkor disease in children .

9. What is the cause of the disease called scurvy ? 

Ans: The deficiency of Vitamin C causes of the disease scurvy .

10. Name two diseases caused by the deficiency of iodine in the diet.

Ans: Two diseases caused by the deficiency of iodine in the diet are cretinism in children and goitre in  adult .

11. If a person looks pale, gets tired easily, loses weight, and his nails turn white, which deficiency disease is he suffering from?

Ans: He is suffering from anaemia due to the deficiency of iron in the diet to.

12. Fill in the following blanks with suitable words:

(a) Deficiency of iron in the diet causes a disease known as anaemia .

(b) Deficiency diseases can be prevented by eating a balance diet.

Short Answer Type Questions 

13. How will you test the presence of fat in a given food sample?

Ans: We can test the presence of fat in a given food as follows :-

1. Rub a small amount of the given food in the centre of a brown paper

2. Hold this paper in front of a source of light and look through it .

3. If the food has left a bright greasy patch on paper , then we can say fat is present in the food .

14. Describe one test for detecting the presence of proteins in a food. 

Ans: The presence of proteins in milk can be tested as follows:

1. Take 2 ml of milk in a test-tube .

2. Add a little of dilute sodium hydroxide solution

3. Then add 2 or 3 drops of copper sulphate solution and shake the test-tube. 

4. A violet colour appears in the solution. This shows that milk contains proteins .

15. How will you test the presence of starch in a food ?

Ans: The presence of starch in a food item can be tested by using a dilute iodine solution. This test is based on the fact that iodine produces a blue-black colour on combination with starch.

 The test for the presence of starch in a food item can be performed as follows:

1. Take a small quantity of the food to be tested. 

2. Add 2 or 3 drops of dilute iodine solution to the food with a dropper.

3. If a blue-black colour is produced, then starch is present in the given food. 

16. What happens when a few drops of dilute iodine solution are put on the cut surface of a raw potato ? What does it show ?

Ans: A blue black colour will appear on the cut surface of a potato .

The appearance of blue black colour shows that potato contains starch .

17. How will you show that flour contains starch ?

Ans: To show the presence of starch in flour we should follow the following steps :- 

1. Take a small quantity of flour (atta) in a test-tube and shake it with a little of water .

2. Add 2 or 3 drops of dilute iodine solution to the mixture of flour and water.

3. If a blue black colour appears in the test-tube This shows that starch is present in flour. 

18. How will you show that groundnuts contain fat (or oil) ? 

Ans: To show that groundnuts contain fat or oil 

● Take some groundnut kernels and place them on a brown paper spread on a table. 

● Crush the groundnut kernels carefully by using a small hammer. 

● Remove the crushed groundnut kernels from the paper and hold the paper towards light.

● A number of bright, greasy spots (or translucent spots) are seen on the paper. 

● The formation of greasy translucent spots on paper shows the presence of fat or oil in groundnut kernels.

19. Name the mineral whose deficiency causes anaemia. Write the symptoms of anaemia .

Ans: The deficiency of Iron causes anaemia .

Symptoms of anaemia : 

The main symptoms of anaemia are as follows :- 

1. Person looks pale

2. Feels very weak

3. Tires easily 

4. Loses weight

5. Nails also turns white .

20. Who needs more proteins in his daily diet in relation to body weight : a growing child or a grown up man ? Why? 

Ans: A growing child needs more proteins in his daily dddianotherrelationtt

The deficiency of proteins in the diet of small children causes a disease known as kwashiorkor. Kwashiorkor disease occurs in children of 1 to 5 years of age. 

The deficiency of proteins as well as carbohydrates in the diet of very small children causes a disease known as marasmus . Marasmus disease occurs in children of 1 to 5 years of age. 

The child's weight becomes very low in this age .

21. How does the balanced diet of a man doing hard physical work differ from another man doing normal work?

Ans: The balanced diet depends on the amount of work we do in our occupation. 

So, the balanced diet of a man doing hard physical work is different from another man doing normal work. 

For example a man doing hard physical work (like a labourer or carpenter) needs more carbohydrates in his diet than another man doing normal work. This is because he needs more energy for doing hard physical work, and this extra energy is supplied by including more of carbohydrate-rich foods in his diet .

22. Why does a labourer need more carbohydrates in his diet than normal ?

Ans: A labourer doing hard physical work needs more carbohydrates in his diet than another man doing normal work. This is because he needs more energy for doing hard physical work, and this extra energy is supplied by including more of carbohydrate-rich foods in his diet.

23. State two pre-cooking practices which lead to the loss of nutrients in food materials.

Ans: Two pre-cooking practices which lead to the loss of nutrients are

1. Repeated washing of rice, pulses fruits and vegetables 

2. Taking off thick peels from fruits and vegetables .

24. Explain why, rice and pulses should not be washed repeatedly before cooking, 

Ans: Washing of food materials before eating raw or cooking is useful because it removes dust, harmful germs and chemicals, etc., sticking to their surface. 

But repeated washing of food materials is harmful because it leads to the loss of nutrients. For example, repeated washing of rice and pulses (dal) removes water soluble vitamins and some minerals from them and hence lowers their nutritive value.

25. What happens when fruits and vegetables are first peeled and cut, and then washed ?

Ans: The washing of fruits and vegetables after they have been peeled and cut, removes the water soluble vitamins and some minerals from them. This lowers their nutritive value.

26. Explain why, thick peels should not be removed from fruits and vegetables.

Ans: The skin of most fruits and vegetables contains vitamins and minerals. If thick peels are taken off from the fruits and vegetables, it leads to the loss of vitamins and minerals. 

27. Why should we include some fresh fruits and raw vegetables in our diet ? 

Ans: No single food item can provide us all the essential nutrients in adequate amounts. So, in order to make a balanced diet, we should include a number of different food items like fresh fruits, raw vegetables, grains etc in our daily meals which, taken together, provide us all the nutrients in adequate amounts.

28. What happens when water in which a food material is boiled during cooking, is thrown away later on ?

Ans: If the excess water in which a food material is boiled during cooking, is thrown away later on, then some of the proteins and considerable amount of minerals present in the food are lost. 

29. Write down the main symptoms of vitamin C deficiency (or scurvy). 

Ans: The deficiency of vitamin C causes a disease known as scurvy, The symptoms of vitamin C deficiency (or symptoms of scurvy disease) are: bleeding from the gums, loosening of teeth, and wounds do not heal easily .

30. Name the vitamin whose deficiency causes rickets in children. Write the symptoms of disease called rickets.

Ans: The deficiency of vitamin D causes rickets in children .

Symptoms of rickets : 

A child suffering from Rickets has 

1. Bow legs or bent legs and pigeon shaped chest .

2. Soft and weak bones 

3. Bones break easily .

31. What is night blindness ? What causes night blindness ? 

Ans: The inability of a person to see properly in dim light especially at night is called Night blindness .

Lack of vitamin A causes night blindness .

32. Name the disease caused by the deficiency of :

Diseases caused by the deficiency of 

Vitamin A - Night blindness .

(b) Vitamin B - Beri beri . 

(c) Vitamin C - Scurvy .

33. Name the vitamin whose deficiency causes the disease

The lacking vitamins of the following diseases are 

(a) beri-beri - Vitamin B (B1) 

(b) scurvy - Vitamin C 

(C) rickets - Vitamin D 

(d) night blindness - Vitamin A .

34. Mention some effects of the deficiency of calcium in the diet .

Ans: Effects of the deficiency of calcium in the diet are 

1. The deficiency of calcium in the diet of children cause a disease called rickets . 

( Please not that rickets is caused by the deficiency of calcium as well as by the deficiency of vitamin D )

2. Deficiency of calcium in adults cause brittle bones and teeth which can break easily .

35. What is the cause of cretinism ? Write the symptoms of cretinism.

Ans: The deficiency of iodine in the diet of children causes cretinism .

Main symptoms of cretinism are 

1. Retarded physical growth .

2. Mental disability .

36. What is the cause of goitre ? Write the main symptom of goitre. 

Ans: Deficiency of iodine in the diet of an adult person causes goitre .

Main symptom of goitre is that 

The neck of the person appears to be swollen  due to abnormal enlargement of thyroid gland which is present in the neck .

37. The neck of a person appears to be swollen. Name the deficiency disease he is suffering cause of this disease ?

Ans: If the neck of a person appears to be swollen so he is suffering from a disease called goitre .

Due to lack of iodine in the diet of an adult causes of this kind of disease .

Long Answer Type Questions : 

38. What is a balance diet ? How does the balance diet of a child differ from that of a grow up man ?

Ans:  The diet which contains adequate amounts of all the nutrients sufficient for the normal growth and development of the body is called a balance diet . 

the balanced diet of a man doing hard physical work is different from another man doing normal work. 

For example a man doing hard physical work (like a labourer or carpenter) needs more carbohydrates in his diet than another man doing normal work. This is because he needs more energy for doing hard physical work, and this extra energy is supplied by including more of carbohydrate-rich foods in his diet .

39. State two beneficial effects of cooking food . Name two cooking practices which led to the loss of nutrients in food materials .

Ans: Cooking of food has many beneficial effects, Cooking improves the taste of food and also makes it easier to digest. At the same time, cooking of food may also lead to the loss of nutrients. 

Two wasteful cooking practices which lead to the loss of nutrients are :

1. Cooking the food at high temperature, and 

2. Throwing away water in which food is first boiled.

Vitamin C gets destroyed easily by heat during cooking. So, when food is cooked at a high temperature then the excessive heat destroys a major portion of vitamin C. 

40. What is the cause of the disease known as beri beri ? Write main symptoms of beri beri .

Ans: The deficiency of vitamin B1 in food cause a disease known as beri beri .

Symptoms of beri beri :

1. The muscles of the person become very weak .

2. Person has very little energy to do work .

3. Person may suffer from heart failure or become paralised .

41. Name the disease caused by the deficiency of protein in the diet of children . Give the symptoms of protein deficiency in children .

Ans: The deficiency of proteins in the diet of small children causes a disease known as kwashiorkor. Kwashiorkor disease occurs in children of 1 to 5 years of age. 

Kwashiorkor develops when a mother stops feeding her child with breast milk due to the birth of another baby too soon.

The main symptoms of protein deficiency in children (or the main symptoms of kwashiorkor disease in children) are the following:

1. The hair of child changes colour and becomes red. 

Pr2. The skin of child cracks and becomes scaly (or rough).

3. The stomach of child becomes swollen and bulges out. Swelling of face and feet also takes place.

4. The child has stunted growth (slow growth).

5. The child has reduced resistance to infection. 

6. The child becomes weak, and irritable (chidchida).

42. Name the disease caused by the deficiency of protein as well as carbohydrates in the diet of small children . Write the symptoms of protein and carbohydrates deficiency in children .

Ans: The deficiency of proteins as well as carbohydrates in the diet of very small children (babies) causes a disease known as marasmus, 

Marasmus disease occurs in infants (or babies) of up to 1 year of age. 

Marasmus develops when infants below the age of one year are abruptly weaned away from breast milk and are subsequently given a less nutritive food .

The main symptoms of protein-carbohydrate deficiency in children (or the main symptoms of marasmus disease in children) are given below.

1. The child becomes very lean and thin.

2. The child is reduced to just skin and bones. The bones of the child show through the skin.

3. The ribs of child look very prominent.

4. The child cannot even move due to lack of energy 

5. The growth of child stops completely,

6. The child's weight becomes very low for his age.


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