OUR GREEN FRIENDS

1. What are the functions of a leaf?
Ans: Most of the plants have green leaves which perform various functions.

1. Food preparation : 
Green plants prepare their own food by the process of photosynthesis .

2. Respiration : Leaves of the plant contain stomata which help in respiration. 

3. Prevention of global warming :
During photosynthesis leaves absorb carbon-di-oxide and release pure , cold oxygen gas . Thus leaves of the plants prevent our environment from global warming.

2. Why are plants called producers?
Ans: Our body can not make food but a plant can makes their own food .
As the green plants can prepare their own food by the process of photosynthesis therefore plants are called as Producers.

3. How do plants use the food they prepare?
Ans: Plants use the foods to grow and live. The extra food prepare by the plants is stored in different parts of the plants such as roots, stem, fruit & seeds.

4. Name some roots and stems which store food.
Ans: Carrot , radish, turnip, sweet potao, beet are the roots which store foods .
Onion, potato, ginger, garlic, turmeric, sugarcane are the stems in which foods are stored .

5. Can green plants make their food at night? Why?

Ans: No plants can not make their foods in the night .
Since the photosynthesis take place in the presence of sunlight which is available during whole day plants can not make their foods in the night.  


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