Getting to know plants

Very Short Answer Type Questions

1. Name the process by which plants make food 

Ans: Photosynthesis is the process by which plants make food .

2 Name the part of a plant which produces its food. 

Ans: Green leaf is the part of a plant which produces its food.

3. What substance in the leaves gives them a green colour ?

Ans: The chemical substance chlorophyll present in the leaves gives them a green colour 

4. What is the main vein of a leaf known as ? 

Ans: The main vein of a leaf known as mid rib .

5. Name the green pigment present in the leaves of a plant.

Ans: Chlorophyll is the green pigment present in the leaves of a plant.

6. (a) Name a gas used in photosynthesis.  Carbondioxide

(b) Name a gas produced in photosynthesis. Oxygen .

7. Name the process by which plant leaves lose water into the air.

Ans Transpiration is the process by which plant leaves lose water into the air.

8. Which substance is used to remove chlorophyll from a green leaf during photosynthesis experiments ?

Ans: Hot alcohol or spirit is used to remove chlorophyll from a green leaf during photosynthesis experiments .

9. Name the two substances which combine in green leaves in the presence of sunlight to make foods .

Ans: Carbondioxide and water combine in green leaves in the presence of sunlight to make foods .

10. What is the usual name of medium-sized plants with hard and woody stem whose many branches arise above the ground ?

Ans: Shrub is the usual name of medium-sized plants with hard and woody stem whose many branches arise above the ground .

11. Name the part of a plant which grows below the ground, 

Ans: Root is the part of a plant which grows below the ground .

12. Which part of a plant absorbs water and minerals from the soil 

Ans: Root absorbs water and minerals from the soil .

13. Name the three main groups into which most of the plants can be classified.

Ans: Herbs, Shrubs and trees are the three main groups into which most of the plants can be classified.

14. Name two types of plants other than herbs shrubs and trees

Ans: Creepers and climbers are two types of plants other than herbs shrubs and trees .

15. What is the scientific name of a) leaf stalk, and (b) leaf blade ? 

Ans: The scientific name of a) leaf stalk is petiole and (b) leaf blade is lamina .

16. What is the name of (a) male part of a flower, and (b) female part of a flower ?

Ans: Stamen is the name of  male part of a flower, and pistil is the female part of a flower 

17. Name three agents which carry out pollination in flowers

Ans: Butterfly, honey bee and air are three agents which carry out pollination in flowers .

18. In a flower:

(a) what do the ovaries become after fertilisation ? The ovaries grow and become fruit .

(b) what do the ovules become after fertilisation ? The ovules grow and become seed .

19. Name that part of a flower which becomes fruit atter fertilisation

Ans: The ovary flower which becomes fruit atter fertilisation .

20. What is the name of powdery substance present in the anther of a stamen ?

Ans: The name of powdery substance present in the anther of a stamen is pollen grains .

21. In which part of a flower, you are likely to find the ovary ?

Ans: In the female reproductive part ( pistil ) of a flower we are likely to find the ovary. 

22. Name the egg-like structures present in the ovary of a flower.

Ans: Ovules are the egg-like structures present in the ovary of a flower.

23. A plant has fibrous roots What type of venation is possessed by its leaves ?

Ans: If a plant has fibrous roots then parallel venation is possessed by its leaves .

24. A plant has leaves with reticulate venation. What type of roots does it have ? 

Ans: If a plant has tap roots then reticulate venation is possessed by its leaves .

25. Fill in the following blanks with suitable words

(a) Green plants use sunlight energy to make food. This process is called photosynthesis .

(b) Plants having leaves with reticulate venation have tap roots whereas those having leaves with parallel venation have fibrous roots .

(c) The flower is that part of a plant which contains the reproductive organs .

(d) After fertilisation, ovary is transformed into fruit and ovules grow Into seed. 

(e) The part of a plant which rises vertically up from the ground is called its stem .

(f) Roots anchor the plant to the soil. 

(g) The money plant having a long and weak stem is called a creeper .

(h) Rose plant is a shrub .

Short Answer Type Questions

26. Name the main parts of a plant. Which part of the plant carries water and minerals from the roots to the leaves and flowers ? 

Ans: The main parts of a plant are Roots , stem, branches , leaves, flower and fruits .

Stem of the plant carries water and minerals from the roots to the leaves and flower 

27. What is the difference between a shrub and a tree ? Give one example of each.

Ans: Shrubs are medium sized plants with a hard and woody stem . Example- rose plant . But trees are tall and big sized plants with hard and thick woody stem . Example - Mango tree

28. Classify the following into herbs, shrubs and trees:

Wheat - herbs, Henna - shrubs, Coconut - trees, Paddy - herbs, Bougainvillea- shrubs, Carrot- herbs, Banyan - trees, Lemon- shrybs, Eucalyptus - trees, Cabbage - herbs .

29. How does a climber plant differ from a creeper plant ? Name two climbers and two creepers.

Ans: Climber cannot stand upright but readily climbs up a neighbouring support or a tree where as creepers spreads on the ground instead of climbing.

Pea plant and bitter gourd ( karena ) are climbers .

Money plant and strawberry plant are creeper plants .

30. Classify the following into climbers and creepers: Strawberry plant- creeper,  Bitter gourd - climber Grape vine- climber,  Money plant- creeper , Pea plant- climber 

31. Name two plants having tap roots and two plants which have fibrous roots.

Ans: Mango plants and Jackfruit plants have tap roots .

Rice and wheat have fibrous roots. 

32. What type of roots do the following plants have ?

Wheat- fibrous , Mango- tap , Carrot- tap ,  Maize- fibrous , Neem tree- tap , Grass- fibrous.

33. Is it possible to know the type of roots of a plant without pulling it out from the soil ? Explain.

Ans: Yes ! It is possible to know the type of roots of a plant without pulling it out from the soil . 

Basically monocotyledons (rice, wheat etc) have fibrous roots where as dicotyledons (mango, neem etc) have tap roots .

So if we can identify mono cotyledons and di cotyledons then It is possible to know the type of roots of a plant without pulling it out from the soil . 

34. Consider the following terms connected with plants: Petal, Ovary, Sepal, Trunk, Leaves, Anther Which of the above contains (a) pollens (b) ovules (c) bark, and (d) chlorophyll ?

Ans: Pollen - Anther , Ovules- Ovary, Bark- Trunk, Chlorophyll- Leaves .

35. Which of the following plant leaves have reticulate venation and which have parallel venation ? Wheat , Tulsi, Maize, Neem, Paddy, Sunflower, Coriander, Banana, Mustard, Sugarcane

Ans: Wheat - Parallel , Tulsi- Reticulate , Maize- Parallel , Neem - Reticulate , Paddy - Reticulate, Sunflower- Reticulate , Coriander- Reticulate , Banana - Parallel , Mustard - Reticulate , Sugarcane - Parallel .

36. Correct and rewrite the following statements

(a) Stems hold the plant upright.

(b) Stems  conduct water to the leaves

(c)  Root absorbs water and minerals from the soil. 

(d) The number of petals and sepals in a flower is not always equal

Long Answer Type Questions

37. What are herbs, shrubs and trees ? Give two examples each of herbs, shrubs and trees .

Ans: Herbs are small plants having a soft and delicate stem .                                Example:- Wheat, paddy ( Rice) are herbs .

Medium sized plants with a hard and woody stem are called shrubs .                 Example:- Rose plants, Tea plants are shrub .

Tall and big plants with hard and woody stem are called tree .                      Example:- Neem tree , Mango tree etc

38. What is a root ? State the various functions of roots. Name the two types of roots found in plants.

Ans: Root is a part of a plant which is below the ground .

Functions of roots :- 

The main functions of the roots of a plant are as follows :

(i) Roots anchor the plant to the soil. It means that roots fix the plant firmly to the soil (or ground). This prevents the plant from being pulled out easily or blown away by the wind.

(ii) Roots absorb water and minerals from the soil. These are needed for the manufacture of food by plant leaves.

(iii) Roots help in holding the soil together. In this way, roots prevent the soil from being blown away by wind or washed away by water, and help in the conservation of soil.

39. What is the stem of a plant ? State the various functions of the stem in a plant 

Ans: The part of which rises vertically up from ground is called it's stem .

Functions of the stem of a plant are as follows:

(1) The stem holds the plant upright (or erect).

(it) The stem of a plant carries water and minerals from the roots to the leaves and other parts of the plant

(iii) The stem carries the prepared food from the leaves to other parts of the plant.

(iv) The stem holds the leaves in such a way that the leaves are able to get plenty of sunlight for preparing food by photosynthesis.

40. What is a leaf ? Draw the labelled diagram of a leaf. What are the functions of the leaves of a plant ? 

Ans: Leaf is a thin , broad , flat and green part of a plant which is attached to the stem or branches .

The leaves of plants have three main functions :

(i) The leaves make food for the plant (by photosynthesis). 

(ii) The leaves get rid of excess water from the plant (through transpiration). 

(iii) The leaves carry out the process of respiration in plants .

41. What is the main function of a flower ? Name the main parts of a flower. Draw the diagram of a flower and label its main parts .

Ans: The main function of a flower is to produce fruits and seed .

The main parts of a flower are:-   Sepals, petals, stamen and pistil .

42. What is photosynthesis ? Why is it essential for plants ? What part does chlorophyll play in photosynthesis ?

Ans: The process by which green plants use sunlight and chlorophyll to make food (glucose) from carbon di oxide and water is called photosynthesis .

The photosynthesis is very much essential for the plants because

• The photosynthesis is the only way by which plants can make their food

• During photosynthesis plants take carbon di oxide and release oxygen . So the plants breath by this process in the day time .

Chloroplast contains green pigments called chlorophyll which carry out photosynthesis and makes food.

43, What are tap root and fibrous roots ? Draw sketches of tap root and fibrous roots. Name one plant having tap root and another having fibrous roots. 

Ans: Tap root is a straight tapering root which grows vertically down into the soil and gives out branches on all sides .

                             Tap root

                   Diagram of tap roots 

Fibrous roots consist of many thin, fibre like roots of a smaller a size and spread out in the soil giving a firm support to the plant .

                             Fibrous root

44. What is (a) a stamen, and (b) a pistil ? Draw the diagrams of a stamen and a pistil and label their parts.

Ans: The stamen is the male part of a flower . Stamen is made up of two parts: a long cylindrical filament  and an anther which contains pollen grains.

The pistil is the female part of a flower . A pistil is made up of three parts : (i) stigma which is the top part of the pistil , (ii) style which is the middle part of the pistil and (iii) ovary which the swollen part of the pistil and contains ovules .

           Diagram of male and female                             reproductive parts 

45. What is venation ? What are the two main types of venation ? What is the relationship between the type of venation in leaves and the type of roots in plants ?

Ans: The arrangement of veins in the lamina or leaf blade is known as venation of the leaf . 

There are two main types of venation in the leaves . These are                             1. Reticulate venation and                       2. Parallel venation      

There is a relationship between the type of venation and the type of roots in plants. This relationship is as follows:

The plants having leaves with reticulate venation have tap roots. tm The plants having leaves with parallel venation have fibrous roots.

This means that just by looking at the leaves of a plant, we can tell the type of roots this plant has (even without pulling it out from the ground). This is because of the plant leaves have reticulate venation, then will have tap root. On the other hand, if the plant leaves have parallel venation, then it will have fibrous roots. For example:

(a) The sunflower plant has reticulate venation in its leaves, so it will have tap root. 

(b) The wheat plant has parallel venation in its leaves, so it will have fibrous roots.             


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