Reproduction in animals ! Questions and answer !

 Important question answer from the topic Reproduction in animals .

Types of questions : 

• Mcq

• Fill in the blanks

• True or false

• Question answer

• Name the following 

A. Which one is correct ?

1. Albumen protects the:

a. yolk

b. embryo

c. both

Ans: both

2. Butterfly lay eggs on

a.  water

b. leaves

c. soil

Ans: leaves

3. The pupa stays in the cocoon for 

a. Weeks

b. months

c. both

 Ans: weeks

( Pupa stays in the cocoon for 5 days to 21 days )

B. Fill in the blanks :

1. Fish are aquatic animals .

2. The mother frog lays hundreds of eggs in water.

3. There are three important features of reproduction in mammals.

C. Write 'T' for true or 'F' for false statements:

1. Animals reproduce to multiply in number.

Ans: True

2. Butterflies complete their life cycle in three stages.

Ans: False

3. Cockroaches complete their life cycle in four stages.

Ans: False

D. Answer the following questions: 

1. What is reproduction?
Ans: Reproduction is a biological process by which living  organisms produce their own kind of  offsprings ( babies ) .

Reproduction is two types :
1• Sexual reproduction
2• Asexual reproduction .

2. How are a bird and a snake similar? How are they different?

Ans: Birds and snakes have some similarities and different features .

Similarities :  Birds and snakes are similar in case of reproduction by laying eggs .
Both of them lay eggs and produce their offsprings .




Snakes have no limbs

Birds have legs, wings

Snakes move by crawling

Birds move by flying and walking, jumping

Scales are the outer body covering

Feathers are the outer body covering

Teeth present for catching it's prey 

Beak present for catching it's prey

Snakes are aquatic and terrestrial animals 

Birds are aireal , aquatic and terrestrial animals

3. How is a frog able to live both on land and in water?

Ans: Frog is an amphibian animal as it lives both on land and in water.

While living in water: 

It breathes through the moist skin and moves by the help of the padded feet.

While living on the land :

It breathes through lungs and move by jumping with the help of the hind legs.

4. How are egg laying animals different from animals that give birth to babies? 

Ans: Egg laying animals are called as OVIPAROUS animals and birth giving animals are called as VIVIPAROUS animals .

Differences between oviparous and viviparous animals : 



Lay eggs

Give birth to young ones

Embryo develops outside the wombs

Embryo develops inside the wombs

Embryo gets nutrition from the yolk

Get nutrition directly from mother

Chance of survival is less

Chance of survival is high

Fish, insects, birds etc are the examples 

Human beings, dogs etc are the examples

5. Write the differences between the life cycle of a butterfly and a cockroach?

Ans: The butterfly and the cockroach  are insects . They have many differences in their life cycle .

Differences between the life cycle of a butterfly and a cockroach : 



It has four stages in its life cycle 

It has three stages in its life cycle

It lays eggs on the leaves of the plants

It lays eggs in a case in a dark and safe place

Egg hatches into a larva (caterpillar) 

Egg hatches into a nymph .

After the splitting of the cocoon the adult comes out 

After the moulting of the nymphs the adult comes out 

6. How are fish and frogs alike?

Ans: Fish and frogs are alike (somehow similar) because both are oviparous animals .

Each of them lay eggs and Start to survive their life in the water.

Both groups have gills  for at least a part of their life for breathing.

E. Name the following:

1. Two egg laying animals that do not care for their young ones.

Ans: Lizard , Snakes

2. One reptile that lays eggs and cares for its young ones for a short time.

Ans:  Crocodile

3. Two mammals that care for their young ones.

Ans: Human beings , Dogs 

4. Two sea animals that are mammals.

Ans: Dolphin , whale 

5. An insect that has stages in its life cycle.

Ans: Cockroach

40 Science


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