Food: Where does it come from ? Important questions and answers

Question & answer Types :
Very Short (Q no 1 to 17), 
Short (Q no 18 to 28) ,
Long (Q no 29 to 34),
MCQ (Q no 35 to 50)

Topic: Food >>     

Very Short question answer

1. Name any two animals which provide us milk. 
Ans: Cow, buffalo, Goat these are the  animls which give us milk

2. Name the common animals which provide us  eggs and  meat.
Ans: Hen  , duck provide us eggs and meat.

3. What are the main sources of food ?
Ans: Plants ( Wheat, rice , vegetables )
and animals ( Goat, hen, cow and it's products ) are the main sources of food.

4. Name any five plant parts which are used as food.

Ans:  Roots ( carrot, radish etc ), stems ( onion, potato etc ) , leaves ( Spinach, cabbage etc ), flowers ( flowers of banana, pumpkin etc ), fruits ( Mango , guava etc ) & seeds ( wheat , rice etc ) these are the parts of plant that we eat as foods.

5. Name two plant roots which are eaten as food.
Ans:  Sweat potato, turnip

6. Name two plants whose stems are used as food
Ans: Ginger , garlic

7. Name two plants whose leaves are eaten as food (as vegetables)
Ans: cabbage , lettuce 

8. Name two flowers which are eaten as food
Ans:  Sunflower, gladiolus

9. Name two fruits which are used as food.
Ans: Jackfruit, Watermelon

10. Name five types of seeds of plants which are used for making food.
Ans: Wheat , rice , maize , sorghum, bengal gram 

11. Name the process in which seeds like moong (green gram) and chana (Bengal gram) are allowed to germinate to obtain more nutritious food
Ans: Germination is a process in which seeds are allowed to germinate.

12. Name the major ingredients of idli.
Ans: Rice , urad dal, salt, water these are the ingredients require to make idli.

13. All the animals can be divided into three main groups on the basis of their food habits. Name these three group

Ans: All the animals are divided into three main groups on the basis of their food habits . These are 
1) Herbivores (plants eater)
2) Carnivores (flesh eater)
3) Omnivores ( plants & flesh eater )

14. What is the usual name of those animals:

1) which eat only other animals ?
Ans: Carnivores

2) which eat only plants ?
Ans: Herbivores

3) which eat plants as well as animals ?
Ans: Omnivores

15. Name any four food products prepared from milk.
Ans: Ghee, curd, butter and paneer
These are the four products prepared from milk.

16. Which term in the following includes the other three?
Kingfisher. Dragonfly. Carnivore, Snake

Ans: The terms " Carnivore " includes the other three.
Because kingfisher, dragonfly & snake these are the carnivores.

17. Fill in the following blanks with suitable words

(A) The milk which we drink comes from cows, buffaloes and goat.

(B) Milk is an animal's product.

(C) Sugar is obtained from a plant called Sugarcane.

(D) The major sources of food are Plants and animals 

(E) Bees make honey from nectar of flowers. 

(F) Tiger eats only meat, so it is a carnivorous animal

(G) Der eats only plants, so it is herbivorous animal

(H) Human beings eat plant products as well as animals, so they are omnivorous animals

(I) Parrots eat only plant's

(J) Plants make their own food by the process of photosynthesis .

Short  Questions & Answers

18. What is food ? Give five examples of food.
Ans: we can define food as follows
Food is a biochemical substance eaten by us to do work, grow , maintain our body and reman healthy.
Food is necessary for us because it provide matter for the growth of our body and energy to do work.
Food is like a fuel for our body just as Petrol is fuel for car. We must eat food to stay alive.
Examples of food :  Boiled rice, chapatti, chiken curry, fish curry etc.

19. (a) Name five food materials which come from plants.
Ans: Boiled rice, vegetables, bread, salad, fruit juices.

b) Name five food materials which come from animals.
Ans: Chicken , Mutton , Fish, milk, ghee, curd 

20. Write the names of major ingredients of "brinjal curry. Which of the ingredients of brinjal curry 
(a) come from plants ? 
(b) do not come from plants ?

Ans: The major of ingredients of brinjal curry are brinjal, spices, oil, onion, salt, water.
(a) Brinjal , spices, oil, and onion come from plants
(b) Salt , water do not come from plants.

21. What are the major ingredients of kheer ? Which of these ingredients come from plants and which from animals ?
Ans: Major ingredients of kheer are Rice, milk, sugar and some flavours like saffron, almonds, cashew nuts 
Rice , sugar, saffron, almonds, cashew nuts come from plant.
Milk comes from animals.

22. Name the most common food items provided by the following animals 
(a) cow or buffalo (b) Hen (c)Bees (d) goat (e) camel

Ans: Cow or Buffalo - Milk
Hen- Egg and meat
Bees- Honey
Goat- Milk , meat
Camel- Milk, meat

23. what is the difference between a herbivore, a carnivore and an omnivore ?

Ans: The main difference between them is the food habbit .
(a) Herbivore eats only plants 
 example - cow, goat etc
(b) carnivore eats only flesh of other animal.
Example Tiger, lion etc
(c) Omnivore eats both plants and animals.
Example -human being, Bear etc

24. Classify the followings into herbivores, carnivores and omnivores
Dog, tiger, deer, man, lizard, squirrel, camel, crow, rabbit, vulture 

Ans: Herbivores - Deer, squirrel, camel, rabbit
Carnivores - Tiger, lizard, vulture
Omnivores - Dog , Man, crow .

25 What is sprouting?
Name any two types of seeds which are used for making sprouts in our homes.

Ans: When the seeds begin to grow or Germinate by developing tiny roots, they are called sprouts.


                    Sprouts of moong
The method of making sprouts from seeds is called sprouting. Sprouting means the Process whereby seeds begin to grow or germinate.
Sprouts of chana

In hindi sprouting means "Ankuran".

The seeds of moong, moth and chana are usually used for making sprouts in our homes.

26. Explain how, the milk which we get from cow actually comes from the plants.

Ans: Since animals can not make their own food, they depend on ready made food. This readymade food comes either from plants or from other animal.
Thus animals obtain their foods are made by others.
We (human beings) are also animals. we get milk from cow, buffalo, goat etc animals. These animals give us milk when they eat 
Plants (grass or other plants). If they do not eat plants or the plants are not available to them, milk will not be produce in their body and we will not get any kind of milk.
After eating grass (plants)
Cow gives us milk.

So now we can say that the milk which we get from cows or buffaloes actually comes from plants.

27. Explain what do the following eat?

(1) Cow eatsPlants ( grass straw etc)
(2)Tiger  cats Animals ( flesh of other animals)
(3) Cat eats Milk, fish, Rat.
(4) House Lizard eats Insects
(5) Butterfly eats Nectar
(6) Rat eats grains
(7) Fish eats Plants, small fishes etc.
(8) sparrow eats Fruits, seeds, vegetables
(9) Human being eats plants( Spinach  etc) and animals ( Hen , goat etc ) also
Plant's products, Animal products.

28. Match the items given in column A with those given in column B :

Column A

Column B

(1)Milk, Curd,Cheese


(A)eat other animals

(2) Spinach, Cauliflower,


(B) eat plant and plant


(3) Lions and Tiger

(C)are vegetables

(4) Herbivores

(D) are all animal


Ans: 1-d, 2- c, 3- a, 4- b

Long question answer

29 what are food producers and food consumers ? Give examples.

Ans: The plants do not eat food like animals do.

The green plants make their own food by the process of Photosynthesis.

In this process, the green plants absorb water and minerals from the soil, carbon dioxide gas from the air and energy from sunlight and make food .
Since plants can produce their own food, they are called as Producers.
Plants are the
Food producers.

Whereas animals are unable to make their own food like plants. Therefore animals depend on Plants or other animals for food.

Human being eats 
Plants & animals.

Animals eat or consume plants or plants products or other animals.

Since animals only consume or wat food made by others , they ( including human ) are called as food consumers.

30. What is meant by "herbivores" ? Write the names of five herbivores.

Ans: Herbivores : Some animals eat only plants ( or their products). Those animals which eat only plants (or plant Products are called herbivores. The herbivores may eat grass, leaves, grains, fruits or the bark of trees Some of the examples of herbivores are : Goat, Cow, Buffalo, Sheep, Horse, Deer, Camel, Ass, Ox Elephant, Giraffe, Monkey, Squirrel, Rabbit, Grasshopper, Butterfly, Parrot, and Hippopotamus. For complete, goat is called a herbivore because it eats only plants (or plant products like grains) as food. Thus ser plant eaters. Herbivores are also called herbivorous animals.


30. What are carnivores? Give five examples.
Ans: Carnivores: Some animals eat other animals as food are called carnivores. Carnivores eat only the meat (or flesh) of other animals. 

So we can also say that: Those animals which eat only the meat (or flesh) of other animals are called carnivores. Some of the examples of carnivores are : Lion, Tiger, Frog. Vulture, Kingfisher. Lizard, Wolf, Snake, Hawk, Seal and Dragonfly. For example, lion is called a carnivore because it eats only the meat (or flesh) of other animals like deer, rabbit, goat, etc. Carnivores are also called carnivorous animals.

32. What are omnivores ? Write the names of five omnivores.

Ans: Omnivores: Some animals eat both plants as well as other animals as food. Those animals which eat both, plants and animals, are called omnivores, In other words, omnivores eat plant food as well as the meat (or flesh) of other animals. Some of the examples of omnivores are : Man (Human beings), Dog. Cat, Cow, Hen (Chicken), Pig Sparrow, Bear, Mynah and Ant.        
Human beings are

For example, man is called an omnivore because he eats the plant food such as grains, pulses, fruits and vegetables) as well as the meat of animals (such as goat, chicken and fish). Omnivores are also called omnivorous animals.

33. Describe the process of making sprouts from moong (green gram) .

Ans: Take about 50 gram seeds of moong (green gram), put them in a vessel containing water and keep them overnight. Next day, remove the seeds from water. Now, wrap the seeds in a piece of wet cloth and keep them aside for one day. Water should be sprinkled on the piece of cloth from time to time to keep it wet. When we open the wrap we will find that tiny white structures have grown out of the seeds . We say that the seeds have sprouted or that the sprouts have been formed. 

Sprouts of moongs

34. Name the insect which make honey. How do they make honey ?

Ans: The insect which make honey is " Honeybee" .

Honey is a food material which is produced by insects called 'bees' (or honeybees). Bees collect nectar (a sugary liquid) from the flowers of plants and convert it into honey. The bees store this honey in the structures called 'hives'. The hives containing honey are called honeycombs'. We can see honeycombs attached to tall buildings or hanging from trees. Honey is collected from such honeycombs. hanging from trees. Honey is collected from such honeycombs.

Honey is also called as "Madhu" or "Shahad" in hindi.

Multiple choice question answer ( MCQ)

35. Which one of the following is not a food producer ?

(a) wheat plants

(b) green grass

(c) grasshopper

(d) mango tree

36. One of the following organisms is not a consumer. This organism is:

(a) giraffe

(b) grasshopper

(C) goat

(d) grass

37. Which of the following seeds are not used for making sprouts in our homes?

(a) moong

(b) moth

(c) makka

(d) chana

38. One of the following foods is not obtained from animals. This food is 

(a) honey

(b) milk

(c) maize

(d) mutton

39. Which one of the following is not a stem of its parent plant?

(a) ginger

(b) potato

(c) sweet potato

(d) onion

40. One of the following plants has two parts which can be eaten as food. This plant is:

(a) wheat

(b) maize

(c) mustard

(d) bengal gram

41. One of the following animals takes only liquid food. This animal is:

(a) vulture

(b) squirrel

(c) lizard

(d) butterfly

42. Which one of the following foods is not a root of its parent plant?

(a) carrot

(b) radish

(c) onion

(d) turnip

43. The leaves of one of the following plants are not eaten as food. This plant is:

(a) mustard

(b) mango

(e) cabbage

(d) lettuce

44. The flowers of which of the following plant are not eaten as food ?

(a) banana

(b) gladiolus

(c) Bougainvillea

(d) pumpkin

45. Which one of the following is a herbivore ?

(a) kingfisher

(b) camel

(c) cat

(d) hawk

46. One of the following is a carnivore. This one is

(a) monkey

(b) bear

(c) elephant

(d) lion

47. Which one of the following is an omnivore ?

(a) hen

(b) frog

(c) parrot

(d) rabbit

48, Buffalo is

(a) a carnivore

(b) a herbivore

(c) an omnivore

(d) none of these

49. Which part of its parent plant is potato which we eat as a vegetable ?

(a) stem

(b) root

(c) branch

(d) bud

50. Which part of its parent plant is sweet potato which we eat as 

(a) flower

(b) bud 

(c) root

(d) Stem

 Thanks for reading carefully..




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                  AJAY HAZRA

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