Reproduction in plants :-
Important questions and answers

What is Reproduction?

Reproduction is a biological Process by which living organisms reproduce their own kind of offSprings sexually or asexually.

for an instance human beings Reproduce their babies (offspring) by 
Sextual reproduction.
Whereas a plant reproduce their 
Offsprings through asexuall reproduction.

How does a plant reproduce?

A plant reproduces its offsprings in different ways asexually.

It reproduces through:-
1) root (carrot, radish etc)
2) stem (potato, sugarcane etc) 
3) leaves (brophyllum etc)
4) spore (fern etc )
5) fruit (coconut etc)
6) seed (rice, wheat, chana etc)

What is germination? 
Germination is process by which a seed grows into a new plant.
The process of seed growing into plant is called germination.

Germination take place when the right amount of air, water , light , warmth available. If these conditions are fulfilled , a seed grows into a new plant.

What are the special features of seeds which get dispersed by wind ?

Seeds have special features which help them to disperse .
Some seeds are very light. The seeds of orchid are almost as fine as dust. These are carried to a new place by the wind.

Many seeds like dandelion and cotton have hairy growths which act like little parachutes and carry the seeds far away from the parent plant.

How are animals helpful in the dispersal of seeds ?

Some plants have juicy that animals and birds like to eat.
The seeds of these fruits pass into their excretion which are left in different places. This can be far away from the parent plant. Jamun, cherry and apple seeds are dispersed in this way.

Human beings also eat fruits like orange, mango, pear and plums. The flesh is eaten and the seeds are thrown away. When the seeds get the right conditions they germinate.

Some fruits like tigers claw, datura, and burdock have seeds with hooks. These catch on the fur of animals and are carried away.

What does a former do to protect his crop ?

As plants grow they have to be protected from grazing animals. Farmers often build a fence around the fields.

Birds also destroy the crops; a scarecrow helps to keep the birds away.

Insecticides and pesticides are sprayed to protect the plants against insects, pests, locusts, grasshoppers, caterpillars, rats and moles.


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