Adaptation in animals. Important questions & answers

Important questions & answers.
Topic - Adaptation in animals.

A. Which one is correct ?

1. Animals can be divided into ___________ large group.

a. two

b. three

c. four

Ans: (a) Two

2. Animals adapt themselves by the ____

a. food

b. shelter

c. both

Ans: (c) both

3. Some animals hibernate in

a. summer

b. winter

c. spring

Ans: (b) winter

B. Fill in the blanks :

1. Birds are aerial in nature

2. Animals living in trees are called arboreal animals.

3. Animals camouflage themselves to protect from enemies.

C. Write T' for true or 'F' for false statements:

1. Frogs and salamander are reptiles.

Ans: False

2. Birds are animals with feathers and wings.

Ans: True

3. Mammals have hair all over their body.

Ans: True

D. Match the columns. 


a. frog, salamander, etc .

2. Amphibians

b. spider, beetle, etc .

3. Invertebrates

c. snakes, lizard, etc .

Ans: 1-c, 2-a, 3-b .

Answer the following questions :

1. What is habitat?
Ans: All the living things ( plants and animals ) live and grow on different surroundings . 
Some live on land , some in water, some in polar region and some in dessert etc .
All these places where organisms live and survive are called habitats.

2.How do animals adapt themselves?
Ans: Animals adapt themselves in the following ways :

1. By food habit : 
2. Protecting themselves by movement
3. By surviving extreme cold and heat
4.By special adaptation such camouflage , migration and hibernation.

3. How do fishes adapt themselves to live in water?
Ans: Fishes live in water . To survive in water some features have adapted in fish . These are 
1. Respiratory organ :
Fishes live in water and inhale oxygen which is dissolved in water . 
To get this dissolved oxygen fishes have special organ called gills which help fishes to breathe in the water.

Fish gills

2. locomotory organs :  
Fishes have special locomotive organs called fins which them to move fast in the water and tail fin helps them to change thr direction .

3. Body covering : 
To protect themselves fishes have hard scales covering whole body.

4. What special features help a camel to survive in the desert?
Ans: Camels live in desert . The atmosphere of desert is dry and very hot. To survive in this extreme conditions , some special features adapted in camels described below with a diagram.

5. What helps a polar bear to live in extreme cold temperature?
Ans: Polar bear lives in cold region where temperature is very low .
5o survive in this extreme cold region some special features are adapted in cold region animals .
These are ..

1.They have a thick layer fat all over their bodies .
2.Thick fury hair on its body help them to survive in extreme cold.
3. White coloured fur help them to camouflage in the snow or ice from it's prey.
4. Sharp claws also help them to catch their prey .

Polar bear

Rewrite the incorrect statements :

1. A long sleep taken by some animals to avoid the harsh winter is called migration 
Ans: A long sleep taken by some animals to avoid the harsh winter is called hibernation

2. Tigers are herbivores.
Ans: Tigers are carnivores

3. Lice and mosquitoes are scavengers.
Ans: Lice and mosquitoes are parasites.

4. Squirrels and rabbits are omnivores.
Ans: Squirrel and rabbits are herbivores. 

5. Vultures are omnivores.
Ans: Vultures are carnivores.

6. Animals that live on land are called aquatic animals.
Ans: Animals that live on land are called terrestrial animals.

Give reasons for the following:

1. Some desert animals like lizards and snakes hunt only at night.
Ans: Atmosphere of deser is dry and very hot specially during day time that's why some animals like lizards and snakes take shelter under the sand or stones to protect themselves from heat and don't come out from their habitats .
When the night comes and weather becomes cool then lizards , snakes etc animals come out and hunt their preys.

2. The chameleon changes its colour according to its surroundings.
Ans: changing of colours of an animal is known as camouflage.
Camouflage is the ability of an animal to changes it's colour to blend or merge with its surrounding, making it hard to be seen or spotted .
The chameleon is a common garden lizard , changes it's colour according to the tree or bush on which it sits . It makes difficult for other animals to spot them .

3. Ducks and Siberian cranes migrate to warmer regions during winter.
Ans: Some animals move in large numbers from cold places to warm places in search of foods . This is called migration.
Some birds like Ducks and Siberian cranes migrate every winter flying thousands of kilometres over lands and seas to another warmer region from a cold region to protect themselves from cold and in search of foods.

4. Leopards have spots on their bodies .
Ans: Leopards have spots on their body which help them to camouflage.
Camouflage is the ability of an animal to changes it's colour to blend or merge with its surrounding, making it hard to be seen or spotted . Thus a leopard can cath it's prey easily .


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