Components of food

Important question answer 

Topic - Components of food.

Short Answer Type Questions and answers.

 1. Name the nutrients present in our food which give mainly energy to our body.
Ans: Fats and carbohydrates are the nutrients present in our food which give mainly energy to our body

2. Name the nutrient  needed for the growth and repair of our body
Ans: Protein is the nutrient which is needed for the growth and repair of our body

3. Name the main carbohydrate which we eat in our food.
Ans: Glucose (starch) is the main carbohydrates which we eat in our food

4. Which carbohydrate is present in wheat rice and potatoes
Ans: Starch is present in wheat,rice and potatoes

5. Name two foods each rich in fat and starch
Ans: Rice , Wheat rich in Starch
Oil and ghee rich in fat .

6. Name the major nutrients in our food.
Ans: Carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamin and minerals are the major nutrients present in our food.

7. Name the vitamin which is required for maintaining good eyesight
Ans: Vitamin A is required for maintaining good eyesight.

8. Name the vitamin which keeps the teeth gums and joints healthy and helps fight diseases 
Ans: Vitamin C keeps the teeth gums and joints healthy.

9. Name the vitamin which is necessary for the normal growth of bones and teeh
Ans: Vitamin D is necessary for the normal growth of bones and teeth

10. Which vitamin is produced in the human body when skin is exposed to sunlight?
Ans: Vitamin D is produced in the human body when skin is exposed to sunlight.

11. Name the main vitamin present in (a) oranges, and (b) carrots.
Ans: The main vitamin present in oranges is Vitamin C and vitamin A in carrots.

12. Name an important mineral present in (a) apple, and (b) sea-fish.
Ans: Iron is an important mineral present in apple and Iodine is present in sea fish.

13. Which mineral is needed to make haemoglobin present in our red blood cells.
Ans: Iron is needed to make haemoglobin present in our red blood cells.
14. In addition to calcium, which other mineral is needed for making bones and teeth ?
Ans: In addition to calcium, phosphorus mineral is needed for making bones and teeth .

15. Name a mineral which is needed for keeping bones and teeth healthy.
Ans: Calcium is needed for keeping bones and teeth healthy.

16. Which mineral is needed for the proper functioning of thyroid gland ?
Ans: Iodine is needed for the proper functioning of thyroid gland 

17. Name two food materials which contain a lot of water.
Ans: Fresh fruits like water melon, oranges and vegetables like tomatoes, cabbages , lettuce contain a lot of water.

18. Name the component of our food which helps prevent constipation.
Ans: Roughage helps to prevent constipation.

19. What is the other name of roughage?
Ans: Roughage is also called as dietary fibre (Dietary fibre means fibre which can be eaten) . 

20. Which component of food is mainly made of indigestible carbohydrate 'cellulose' ?
Ans: Roughage is mainly made of indigestible carbohydrate 'cellulose'. 

21. The examples of carbohydrates are : sugar, cellulose, glucose and starch. Which of these carbohydrate provides roughage in our food ?
Ans: Cellulose provides roughage in our food. Roughage is mainly made of cellulose.

22. Name two components of food which do not provide any nutrients.
Ans: Roughage and water do not provide any nutrients.

However water contains some minerals. (Sodium 5gm, calcium 3 gm, magnesium 1 gm per 100 ml water).

23. Fill in the following blank with a suitable word :

Iron is an important constituent of haemoglobin present in our blood.

Short question answer

24. What is the function of fat in our body ? Name three sources of fat in our body.
Ans: Fat provides us energy to our body . In fact , fat provides us twice as much energy as that provided by the same amount of carbohydrates.

For example ; A little butter (fat) provides much more energy than a large slice of bread (carbohydrate).
Three sources of fat are ghee, butter, oil.

25. Name the major nutrients provided by the following foodstuffs :

(a) Butter      : Fat
(b) Potatoes  : Carbohydrate
(c) Chapatti   : carbohydrate
(d) Fish          : Protein
(e) sugar        : Carbohydrate

26. What are energy giving foods ? Give two examples of energy giving foods.
Ans: Foods that provide us energy in our body to perform various activities are called as "Energy giving foods" .

Basically carbohydrates (What, rice etc) and fats (oil, ghee, butter etc) provide us energy .
Hence Carbohydrates and fats are also called as energy giving foods.

27. (a) Name two sources of plant fats.
Ans: Two sources of plant fat are Oil, groundnuts

(b) Name two sources of animal fats.
Ans: Two sources of animal fats are ghee, butter.
28. What are body building foods ? Give two examples of body building foods.
Ans: Foods that build our body and keep our body healthy and strong are called as "body building foods" .

Examples : All proteinaceous foods like egg , fish , chicken, milk, pulses etc .

29. What are the functions of proteins in our body ? Name five food items which are rich in proteins.
Ans: Proteins supply the body with materials to make new cells which build the body and make it grow.

Proteins also give materials which repair the damaged body cells.
Egg, fish, chicken, milk, pulses are the food materials rich in proteins.

30. (a) Name two sources of plant proteins.
Ans: Soyabean and pulses are the two sources of proteins.

(b) Name two sources of animal proteins.
Ans: Fish, meat are the two sources of animal proteins.

31. What is the function of vitamin B1 in our body ? Name two sources of vitamin B1.
Ans: Vitamin B1 is essential for growth and proper functioning of the digestive system , heart , nerves and muscles.

Egg, milk, meat and green vegetables are the sources of vitamin B1.

32. Why do we need iodine in our diet? Name two sources of iodine in our diet.
Ans: Iodine is essential for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland which controls the growth of the body .
Actually iodine helps thyroid gland to make a hormone which controls growth.

See fish , iodised salt and vegetables are the sources of iodine.

33. Why do we need iron mineral in our diet? Name two food materials which are rich in iron.
Ans: Iron is needed to make haemoglobin which is present in red blood cells (RBC) which carry oxygen from the lungs to the body parts.

Spinach and other green leafy vegetables are rich in iron.

34. Why is vitamin C necessary for us? Name two food materials which are rich in vitamin C.
Ans: Vitamin C is necessary for keeping teeth, gums, and joints healthy and it also increases the resistance of our body to infection and helps to fight against diseases.

Citrus foods such as oranges , islime and lemon , amla are the sources of vitamin C.

35. What is the function of vitamin D in our body ? Name two sources of vitamin D.
Ans: Vitamin D is necessary for the normal growth of bones and teeth .
Vitamin D also helps our body to absorb calcium minerals from the food and helps to make the bones and teeth hard and strong.

Vitamin D is present in the foodstuffs such as milk, fish, egg , butter etc.

36. Why are minerals necessary in our diet ? Name five important minerals required by our body.
Ans: Minerals are necessary for the proper functioning of normal growth and good health of our body.
Minerals are also needed to build bones and teeth , formation of blood, coagulation of blood, and functioning of muscles, nerves and thyroid gland.

Calcium, phosphorus, iodine, sodium and potassium are the important minerals required by our body.

37. Why do we need calcium in our diet? Name two food items which are rich in calcium.
Ans: Calcium is needed for making bones and teeth , calcium also helps us in the proper functioning of heart and other muscles as well as in the clotting of blood .

Milk, cheese, eggs, green leafy vegetables and fish are rich in calcium.

Long Answer Type Questions

38. Name all the components of our food. What is the function of carbohydrates present in our food ? Give three sources of carbohydrates in our food.

Ans: Components of food means ingredients of food including nutrients. Our food has five major nutrients .
These are Carbohydrate, fat, protein, vitamin, mineral . 
In addition to these, water and roughage are also components of food but do not have any nutritional value.

So five nutrients plus water and roughage these are the food components of our food.

Function of carbohydrates: 

Carbohydrates provide energy to our body . Using this energy we do various activities in our daily life.
This is why carbohydrates also called as "energy giving foods" .

Carbohydrates provide dietary fibre (cellulose) which is needed for the normal working of digestive system.

Carbohydrates also regulate sugar  (glucose) in the blood.

Sources of carbohydrates :

Main carbohydrate that we eat is starch.
Some of the common sources of carbohydrates (starch) are cereals (Wheat, rice, maize, millet) potatoes, sugar , jiggery (gud) and honey.

39. Why are vitamins necessary in our food ? What is the function of vitamin A in our body? Name two food items in which vitamin A is found.

Ans: Vitamins are necessary for good eyesight, healthy teeth, gums, bones, proper digestion, normal growth and good health. 
Infact vitamins help in protecting our body against diseases.

Function of vitamin A

Vitamin A protects our eyes , skin and hair.
So Vitamin A is necessary for good eyesight, healthy skin and hair.

Sources of Vitamin A:

The various sources of Vitamin A are colourful fruits (like Carrot, mango, apple etc), green vegetables, milk, butter etc.

40. State the functions of water in our body. How do we get most of the water needed by our body ?

Ans: Water provides a liquid on which other substances can dissolve and move  within the body or eliminated from the body.

Water is need by our body in the following ways : 

1. To transport digested food to the body cells.
2. To controll and regulate temperature of the body 
3. To transport important chemicals such as hormones around our body .
4. To get rid of waste products from the body.

We get most of the water from drinking water, milk, tea, coffee, and juices etc 
Many food materials contain water themselves .
Fresh fruits and vegetables also provide us a lot of water.
For example tomatoes, water melons etc.

41. What is roughage ? What is the function of roughage in our body? Name two sources of roughage in our food.
Ans: Roughage is the fibrous matter in which can not be digested .
Roughage is mainly made of indigestible carbohydrate called "cellulose" which is present in plant cell walls. Roughage is called as dietary fibre (Dietary fibre means fibre which can be eaten) .

Function of roughage : 

Though roughage has no food value but it's presence is essential in our food.
Roughage is needed for the normal working of digestive system 
Roughage provides bulk to the food , keep the food and waste matter moving along the intestines and helps to prevent constipation.

Some good sources of roughage are fruits, vegetables, wholemeal flour products such as wholemeal chapatti and wholemeal bread   .

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQS

42. The main carbohydrate which we eat in our food is

(a) cane sugar

(b) glucose

(c) cellulose

(d) Starch

Ans: D

43. Which of the following is considered to be body building food ?

(a) carbohydrates

(b) proteins

(c) fats

(d) vitamins

Ans: B

44. Which of the following is produced in our body when the skin is exposed to sunlight ?

(a) vitamin D

(b) vitamin B

(c) vitamin A

(d) vitamin C

Ans: A

45. The vitamin essential for good eyesight, healthy skin and hair is vitamin

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D

Ans: A

46. Which of the following foods is a good source of both calcium and phosphorus ?

(a) fish

(b) carrots

(c) milk

(d) oranges

Ans: C

47. The mineral essential for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland is:

(a) calcium

(b) iodine

(c) iron 

(d) pottasium

Ans: B

48. Which of the following minerals is necessary to make haemoglobin present in the red blood cells?

(a) iodine

(b) red phosphorus

(d) sodium

(d) iron

Ans: D

49. One of the following is necessary for keeping gum and teeth healthy. This is

(a) vitamin B

(b) vitamin D

(c) vitamin A

(d) vitamin C

Ans: D

50. Which of the following is not a function of water in our body?

(a) to transport digested food

(b) to get rid of waste
(c) to release energy

(d) to regulate body temperature

Ans: C

51. The vitamin which prevents rickets disease in children

(a) vitamin A

(b) vitamin B

(c) vitamin C

(d) vitamin D

Ans: D

52 Roughage in our food is mainly made of:

(a) starch

(b) cellulose

(c) glucose

(d) cane sugar

Ans: B

53. Which of the following vitamin is necessary for the normal growth of bones and teeth

(a) vitamin B

(b) vitamin C

(c) vitamin D

(d) vitamin A

Ans: C

54. Fish is a rich source of 

(a) iodine

(b) iron

(c) phosphorus

(d) potassium

Ans: A

55. Which of the following food help to keep thyroid gland healthy.

(a) milk

(b) meat

(c) fish

(d) eggs

Ans: C


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