Nutrition in animals questions answers
Important questions and answers from the topic Nutrition in animals .
Types of questions :
Very short answer type questions
Short answer type questions
Long answer type questions
Multiple choice questions ( MCQs)
Very Short Answer Type Questions :
1. What is the scientific name of the process of taking food into the body?
Ans: The scientific name of the process of "taking food into the body" is ingestion .
2. Name the substance which mixes with food in the mouth during chewing by teeth
Ans: Saliva juice is the substance which mixes with food in the mouth during chewing by teeth .
3. Name the process which moves the food forward in the food pipe as well as the whole alimentary canal
Peristalsis is the process which moves the food forward in the food pipe as well as the whole alimentary canal .
4. (a) Where is the water from undigested food absorbed in the body ?
Ans: In the large intestine the water from undigested food absorbed in the body .
(b) Where is the digested food absorbed into the blood ?
Ans: In the small intestine the digested food absorbed into the blood .
5. What is the other name of food pipe?
Ans: Oesophagus is the another name of the food pipe.
6. The bacteria present on uncleaned teeth convert the sugar in food into a substance X which causes tooth decay: Name the substance X
Ans: The X substance is acid which eats up the enamel and dentine of the teeth to form cavity .
7. Name the type of teeth which are:
(a) for chewing and grinding food,
Ans: Molars and premolars are responsible for chewing and grinding the food.
(b) for piercing and tearing food.
Ans: Canines are responsible for piercing and tearing the food .
(c) for biting and cutting food.
Ans: Incisors are responsible for biting and cutting the food .
8. What is name of the set of teeth:
(a) which grow in a small baby ?
Ans: Milk teeth grow in a small baby .
(b) which grow in a child ?
Ans: Permanent teeth grow in a child and remain till the old age .
9. Which teeth in human beings are replaced by permanent teeth ?
Ans: Milk teeth in human beings are replaced by permanent teeth
10. At what age do the milk teeth fall off in children?
Ans: At the age between 6 and 8 years the milk teeth fall off in children .
11. Which organ helps in getting the taste of food which we cat?
Ans: Tongue organ helps in getting the taste of food which we cat .
12. Which two tastes can be detected by the front part of the tongue .
Ans: Sweet and salty foods can be detected by the front part of the tongue .
13. Which taste of food can be detected
(a) by the sides of the tongue ?
Ans: Sour foods can be detected by the sides of the tongue .
(b) by the back part of the tongue ?
Ans: Bitterly foods can be detected by the back part of the tongue .
14. What is the special name of the animals which can chew the cud ?
Ans: Ruminant is the special name of the animals which can chew the cud .
15. What type of micro-organisms digest cellulose carbohydrate present in the grass food of a ruminant
Ans: Ruminococcus bacteria digest cellulose carbohydrate present in the grass food of a ruminant .
Ans: Amoeba is a single celled organism has pseudopodia .
17. Name a single-celled organism (animal) which constantly changes it's shape .
Ans: Amoeba is a single-celled organism (animal) which constantly changes it's shape .
18. What are the false feet of Amoeba known as ?
Ans: The false feet of Amoeba known as pseudopodia .
Ans: Pseudopodia is the parts of Amoeba which help it in moving and also in capturing the food .
20. Name the condition in which a person pass out frequent watery stools.
Ans: Diarrhoea is the condition in which a person pass out frequent watery stools.
Ans: Diarrhoea is a condition (or disease) which can lead to the dehydration of our body .
22. Write the full form of ORS,
Ans: The full form of ORS is
Oral rehydration solution .
23. What happens when glucose breaks down in body cells with the help of oxygen ?
Ans: When glucose breaks down in the body cells with the help of oxygen energy produce in our body .
24. State whether the following statements are true or false:
(a) The tongue helps in mixing saliva with food.
Ans: True
(b) Digestion of starch starts in the stomach
Ans: False
(c) The gall bladder stores bile temporarily.
Ans: True
(d) The ruminants bring back swallowed grass into their mouth and chew it for sometime.
Ans: True
25. Fill in the following blanks with suitable words:
(a) The largest gland in the human body is Liver
(b) The stomach releases hydrochloric acid and digestive juices which act on food.
(c) The inner wall of the small intestine has many finger-like outgrowths called villi .
(d) When the digestion of food is completed, the carbohydrates get broken down into glucose proteins into amino acids and fats into fatty acids and glycerol
(e) The alimentary canal together with the associated glands constitutes the digestive system.
(f) Permanent teeth grow in place of milk teeth.
(8) Tooth decay happens when the bacteria present in mouth turn the sugar present in our food into acids .
(h) The partially digested food which is brought back from stomach to mouth of an animal for re-chewing is known as cud
(i) An example of the animal which can chew the cud is cow
(j) The finger-like projections on the body of Amoeba are called pseudopodia
(k) Amoeba digests its food in the food vacuole .
Short Answer Type Questions
26. (a) What is the role of mucus in stomach ?
Ans: Mucus has a significant role in the stomach . It protects the inner lining of the stomach .
When the inner lining of stomach secrets mucus it also secrets hydrochloric acid which can damage the inner lining of the stomach and may cause of sores but the secretion of mucus form a layer and protects the inner lining of the stomach .
(b) What is the role of hydrochloric acid in stomach ?
Ans: Hydrochloric acid has many significant roles in the stomach .
It kills any bacteria which may enter the stomach with foods .
It also makes the medium acidic which is necessary for the proper action of digestive juices on protein foods in the stomach .
27. What is alimentary canal ? Name the various parts of alimentary canal and the associated glands.
28. Match the items of the column I with those given in column II
Ans: see the answer in your book
29. What is the action of saliva on food?
The digestion of the foods starts as soon as we put the food in our mouth . The mouth contains three pairs of salivary glands which secret a watery liquid called the saliva .
Saliva is a digestive juice which helps to digest starch present in the food partially .
30. Which part of the alimentary canal is involved in:
(a) absorption of food ?
Ans: Small intestine
(c) killing of bacteria ?
Ans: Stomach
(c) formation of faeces ?
Ans: Large intestine
(b) chewing of food ?
Ans: Mouth
(d) complete digestion of food ?
Ans: Small intestine
31. Which organ of the body secretes bile ? Where is bile stored ? What is the function of bile in the digestion of the foods .
Ans: Liver secrets a liquid called bile .
Bile is stored in the gall bladder .
The bile plays an important role in the digestion of the fats . Bile juice converts the foods containing fats into tiny droplets so that their further breakdown becomes easier .
32. What is the food of a butterfly ? How does butterfly get this food ?
Ans: Necter of the the flowers is the food of a butterfly .
A butterfly gets it's food from the flowers . When a butterfly sits on a flower it uses it's long feeding tube to suck better from the flowers .
33. What are the modes of taking food into the body used by the following animals ?
Frog : Chewing and swallowing
Snakes : Swallowing
Mosquitoes : Sucking
Lice : Sucking
Housefly : Craping
Ant : Decaying
Snail : Chewing and swallowing
34. Match the items of column I with suitable items in column II:
Ans: 1C, 2D, 3A, 4B, 5E, 6F
35. What are villi ? Where are villi located? What is the function of villi ?
Ans: The inner surface of the small intestine has millions of tiny finger like outgrowths called villi .
Villi are located in the inner surface of the small intestine .
The role of villi in small intestine is to increase the surface area for the rapid absorption of the digested food .
36. Where is the bile produced ? Which component of food does it digest?
Ans: Liver secrets a liquid called bile which is stored temporarily in the gall bladder .
The bile plays an important role in the digestion of fats . Actually bile converts fat into into tiny droplets so that their further breakdown becomes easy .
37. Why do we get instant energy from glucose ?
Ans: In the cells glucose is used for energy, growth and repair old tissues .
Glucose breakdown take place in the cells with the help of the oxygen to form carbon dioxide , water and release energy in the form of ATP (Adenosine tri phosphate) .
38. What is Amoeba ? Where is it found ? Write one similarity and one difference between the nutrition in amoeba and human beings .
Ans: Amoeba is a microscopic unicellular tiny organism .
It is found in pond , river and sea water .
Similarity :
In both cases digestive juices breakdown the complex food particles into simpler substances .
Difference :
Amoeba is a unicellular microscopic organisn having no digestive system.
Where as human beings are multicellular large organisms having digestive system .
39. How does Amoeba take in (ingest) the food ? From which part of the body undigested food is egested in amoeba ?
Ans: Amoeba takes in food or ingest food by using pseudopodia .
When a food particle comes near amoeba then it produces two pseudopodia around the food particle and surrounda it . The two pseudopodia then join around the food particles and trap with a little water forming a food vacuole inside the amoeba.
Undigested foods thrown out from the body capturing cell membrane .
40. Name the various kind of teeth in our mouth. State their functions.
Ans: There are four kinds of teeth in our mouth .
These are
1.Incisors : The incisors are for bitting and cutting the food
2. Canines : These are used for tearing and piercing the foods.
3. Premolar : For chewing and grinding the foods .
4. Molars : For chewing and grinding the foods .
41. How many teeth does an adult man have?
What is the number of the following types of
(a) incisors
(b) canines
(c) premolars
(d) molars
teeth in one jaw ?
Ans: An adult man has 32 teeth .
In each jaw
4 incisors
2 canines
4 premolars
6 molars
42. How would you distinguish between ice and ice-cream with your eyes closed ?
Ans: We can distinguish between ice and ice cream (even with our eyes closed) from their taste.
A piece of ice kept on the tongue will appear to be tasteless whereas a piece of ice cream will give a sweet taste.
43. State the various functions of the tongue ? Name four different tastes which can be detected by our tongue.
Ans: The various functions of the tongue are as follows:
1. The tongue helps in mixing saliva with food during chewing (which is essential for the digestion of food).
2. The tongue helps in swallowing the food into the food pipe.
3. The tongue helps in getting the taste of food.
4. The tongue is essential for talking (or speaking).
There are four types of tastes these are sweet, salty , sour, bitter can be tested by the tongue .
44. Can we survive only on grass and raw leafy vegetables ? Give reason for your answer.
Ans: The cellulose carbohydrates are present in grass and raw vegetables.
The cellulose digesting bacteria are not present in the body of human beings due to which human beings cannot digest cellulose carbohydrate present in plant foods.
So, We (human beings) cannot survive by eating only grass (or raw leafy vegetables) mainly because of our body does not have cellulose digesting bacteria .
45. Which parts of the tongue detect the following tastes ?
(a) Bitter (b) Sweet (c) Sour (d) Salty
Ans: The tongue has taste buds which detect different tastes of food.
The front part of the tongue detect sweet and salty tastes .
Each side of the tongue detect sour taste
Back of the tongue detect bitter taste .
Long Answer Type Questions
46. What is meant by digestion ? Name the various organs of the human digestive system. Also name the associated glands. Draw a labelled diagram of the human digestive system.
Ans: The process in which the food containing large, insoluble substance is broken down into small water soluble substance which can be absorbed by our body , is called as digestion .
In simple terms digestion means dissolving of food so that it can be absorbed and utilised by the body .
• The various organs of the human digestive system are :
Mouth, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anus .
• The associated glands are :
Salivary glands , liver and pancreas .
47. What is meant by tooth decay ? Name some of the foods which are the major cause of tooth decay. What are the various ways of preventing tooth decay ?
Ans: Tooth decay is a process in which the tooth become rotten due to formation of cavities or holes inside it leading to toothache .
• Excessive use of sugar containing foods such as sweets, chocolates, toffees, ice cream and cold drinks are the major cause of tooth decay .
• Tooth decay can be prevented in the following ways:
1. We should rinse the mouth thoroughly with clean water after every meal
2. We should clean our teeth with a brush and toothpaste at least twice a day.
3. A dental floss should be used to take out food particles trapped between the teeth.
4. We should eat less of sugary foods such as sweets, chocolates, toffees, and ice cream, etc.
5. Too many cold drinks should also be avoided (this is because sugar + bacteria = acid which eats up tooth).
48. Describe with the help of labelled diagrams, how feeding and digestion in Amoeba takes place.
Ans: Amoeba feeds on tiny plants animals present in pond water where it lives .
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When a Food particle comes near amoeba then amoeba produces two pseudopodia around the food particle and surrounds it .
The undigested foods then thrown out from the body .
49. (a) What are ruminants ? Which of the following are ruminants ?Fish, Amoeba, Cow, Humans, Dogs, Sheep, Buffalo, Deer, Goat, Giraffe
Ans: Animals like cow, goat can digest cellulose carbohydrate present in grass and raw vegetables by the process of rumination are called ruminants .
Cow, sheep, Buffalo, deer, goat and giraffe these are the ruminants .
(b) Name the type of carbohydrate that can be digested by ruminants but not by humans. Give the reason also.
Ans: Cellulose carbohydrate can be digested by ruminants but not by the humans because ruminants have cellulose digesting bacteria ruminococcus present inside the stomach (rumen) while human doesn't have any cellulose digesting bacteria .
50. Name the three things secreted by the inner lining of our stomach. Also state their functions. What is the function of large intestine ?
Ans: The inner lining of stomach secretes mucus, hydrochloric acid and digestive juices.
● Mucus protects the lining of stomach (from its own secretions of hydrochloric acid).
● Hydrochloric acid kills any bacteria which may enter the stomach with food. Hydrochloric acid also makes the medium in the stomach acidic (which is necessary for the proper action of digestive juices on proteins in the stomach).
● The digestive juices secreted by the stomach lining break down the proteins present in our food into simpler substances (This happens in the acidic medium). The partially digested food then goes from the stomach into the small intestine.
Function of large intestine:
The large intestine absorbs most of the water from the undigested food which is stored in the last part of the large intestine called rectum for some time and finally when we go toilet the undigested food is passed out from the body .
51. What are incisors, canines, premolars and molars ? State their functions.
Ans: Incisors, canines, premolars and molars are the four types of teeth.
Functions of teeth :
● The incisors are for bitting and cutting the foods
● The canines are for piercing and tearing the foods
● The premolars and molars for chewing and grinding the foods
52. (a) What is the taste of neem leaves extract or bitter gourd (karela)? Which part of the tongue can detect this taste ?
Ans: The taste of neem leaves is bitter .
The back part of the tongue can detect this taste .
(b) What is the taste of lemon juice ? Which part of the tongue can detect this taste ?
Ans: The taste of lemon juice is sour .
Each side of the tongue can detect the sour taste .
(c) Draw a sketch of the tongue. Label the parts of the tongue which detect sweet, salty, sour and bittertastes.
53. (a) What is meant by the term "rumination" ? Name any two ruminants.
Ans: The process by which the cud is brought back to the mouth from the stomach and chewed again is called rumination .
Two ruminants are : -
1. Cow
2. Goat
(b) Explain why, a cow can digest grass but we cannot.
Ans: The cellulose carbohydrate present in grass can be digested by the action of certain bacteria ( Ruminococcus sp ) which is present only in the stomach of animals called ruminants like cow , goat etc .
That's why a cow can digest grass but we human beings can not due to absence of certain bacteria .
54. What is diarrhoea ? How is diarrhoea caused ? Why does dehydration take place during diarrhoea ? How can dehydration be prevented ?
Ans: The condition in which a person passes out stools frequently is called diarrhoea .
It may be caused by an infection of food poisoning or indigestion .
During diarrhoea a person loss too much water through watery stools and it results dehydration .
The dehydration can be prevented by giving the victim ORS (oral rehydration solution) .
55. What is oral rehydration solution ? How can you make the oral rehydration solution at home ? When is it given to a person ?
Ans: The solution of sugar and salt in water is called oral rehydration solution .
We can make an ORS ourselves by dissolving a teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of salt in a glass of clean water .
It is given when a person suffering from diarrhoea or dehydration .
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