Fiber to fabric class VI

Very Short Answer Type Questions 

1. Name the animal from which wool is most commonly obtained 

Ans: The animal is sheep from which will is most commonly obtained .

2. Name one fibre obtained from the stem of plants.

Ans: Jute is a fibre obtained from the stem of plants 

3. Name any two states in India where jute is mainly grown. 

Ans: In india, jute is mainly grown in west bengal , Bihar and Assam .

4. Name two items that are made from coconut fibres, 

Ans: Coconut ropes and mats are made from coconut fibres .

5. Which of the two are stronger: natural fibres or synthetic fibres ? 

Ans: The synthetic fibres are stonger than natural fibre .

6. (a) From which part of the plant cotton fibre is obtained ? 

Ans: From the fruits (cotton bolla) of cotton plant, cotton fibre is obtained .

(b) From which part of the plant jute fibre is obtained ?

Ans: From the stem part of the plant jute fibre is obtained .

7. Name four types of fabrics used by us. 

Ans: Pant , shirt, saree , coat are four types of fabrics .

8. State whether the following statements are true or false 

(a) Silk fibre is obtained from the stem of a plant. 


(b) Polyester is a natural fibre.


(c) Jute is the outer covering of coconut 


(d) The process of removing seeds from cotton is called ginning .


(e) Yarn is made from fibres


(f) Spinning is a process of making fibres 


(g) Weaving of yarn makes a fabric. 


(h) In weaving, a single yarn is used to make a fabric. 


(i) A sweater is made by the process of weaving .False 

9. Name four materials which were used by the people in ancient times to cover themselves. 

Ans: In ancient time, people used the bark of trees, big leaves of trees, animals skin and fur to cover themselves .

10. Name two products obtained by weaving 'twigs' and 'grass

Ans: Mats and baskets obtained by weaving twigs and grass .

11. In which region was the cotton crop grown in India in early days? 

Ans: In early days indians grew cotton crop in the regions of near ganga river .

12. Name the two types of plants which were cultivated near the river Nile in ancient Egypt to obtain fibres for making fabrics.

Ans: Cotton and flat crops were cultivated near the river nile in ancient egypt for making fabrics .

13. Name the four types of fabrics (or clothing) which are still used in unstitched form in our country. 

Ans: Saree, dhoti, lungi and turban are used as unstitched  pieces of fabrics in our country .

14. Fill in the following blanks with suitable words:

(a) Animal fibres are wool and silk .

(b) Linen is made from the fibres of flax plant.

(c) Terylene is a synthetic fibre but flax is a natural fibre.

(d) The common name of coconut fibre is coir .

(e) Fabrics are made first by spinning the the fibre to make yarn and then weaving or knitting yarn .

Short Answer Type Questions

15. What are the two types of fibres ? Give two examples of each type of fibres

Ans: Fibres are two types .

Natural fiber - Silk, cool etc

Artificial fibre - Nylon, rayon etc

16. What is ginning ? How is it done?

Ans: The process of separating cotton fibres from the seeds is called ginning .

17. State the various uses of cotton fibres.

Ans: Cotton is the most widely used natural fibre . 

It is mainly used for making fabrics or clothes .

In home, it is used in bedsheets and curtains .

It is also used in medicinal purposes .

18. State the two steps involved in making fabrics from fibres 

Ans : Two steps involved in making fabrics from fibres are ginning and spinning .

19. Name the device used for weaving yarn into fabrics. 

Ans : Hand spindle (takli) and spinning wheel (charkha) used for warning yarn into fabrics. 

Which of the following are usually made by weaving and which by knitting ?

Fabric for shirt. Vest, Socks, Saree, Sweater 

Ans: By weaving - Shirt , saree , socks, vest .

By knitting - Sweater  .

20. Classify the following as natural fibres and synthetic fibres:

Nylon, wool, cotton, silk, polyester, jute

Ans: Natural fibres : Wool , cotton , silk , jute .

Synthetic fibres : Nylon , polyester .

21. What name is given to those fibres which are obtained from plants and animals ? Name two fibres which are obtained from plants and two fibres which are obtained from animals 

Ans: Fibres which are obtained from plants and animals are called as natural fibres .

Jute and cotton are plant fibres .  Silk and wool are two animals fibres .

22. What type of soil and climate are good for growing cotton . Name any two states of our country where cotton is mainly grown .

Ans: Cotton crop is usually grown at a place having black soil and wa climate .

In india, cotton is mainly grown in the States of Maharashtra, madhya pradesh etc. 

23. With which fibre is the term ginning associated ? Name four animals (other than sheep) from which wool is obtained. 

Ans: Ginning is associated with the cotton fibre .

Wool is obtained from goat , yak , camel, llama and alpaca .

24. (a) Name three devices for making yarn from fibres. (b) Name two processes by which fabrics can be made from yarn

Ans: Takli, charkha and spinning machine are used to obtain yarn from fibres .

Fabrics can be made from yarn by weaving and knitting .

25. What is meant by (a) weaving and (b) knitting?

Ans: The process of making fabric or clothing by arranging yarns or threads passing in one direction with other yarns at right angels to them. This process is called weaving .

The process of making fabric by interlocking loops of single yarn with knitting needles or machines is called knitting. 

Long Answer Type Questions

26. How will you distinguish between cotton, wool, silk and synthetic fabrics ? 

Ans: We can distinguish between the cotton, wool, silk and synthetic fabrics by performing the burning test as follows.

Take a small piece of the fabric to be tested. Hold one end of the fabric with a pair of tongs and bring the other end of fabric over the flame of burner.

(i) If the piece of fabric burns vigorously giving a smell of burning paper, then it is cotton fabric .

(ii) If the piece of fabric bums giving a smell of burning hair, then it is woollen fabric .

(iii) If the piece of fabric burns giving the smell of charred meat, then it is silk fabric .

(iv) If the piece of fabric burns slowly giving the smell of burning plastic, then it is a synthetic fabric (Synthetic fabrics melt and form small beads on burning).

27. Describe how, jute fibre is obtained from jute plants. State the uses of jute fibres.

Ans: Jute fibre is obtained from the jute plants as follows : 

The jute plants are harvested from the fields when they are at flowering stage. The stems of the harvested jute plants are immersed in water for a few days During this time, the stems rot and fibres are left behind. The jute fibres are separated from water by hand.

Jute fibre is used to make ropes and jute bags (or gunny bags). The jute bags (or gunny bags) are used as shopping bags as well as for storing food grains such as wheat, rice, etc. 

28. What is meant by (a) fibre, and (b) fabric ? Describe the process of making fabrics from fibres. 

Ans: A very thin thread like strand from which cloth is made is called fibre . 

Fabrics are the cloths which we use to wear made by the process of weaving or knitting using yarn .

The fabrics are made from fibres in the following three steps:

1. Spinning : 

Yarn is made from fibres by the process of spinning. In the process of spinning, fibres from a mass of cotton (wool or silk, etc.) are drawn out and twisted. This brings the tiny fibres together to form long and twisted thread called yarn .

2.weaving : 

weaving involves two sets of yams (or two sets of threads) arranged at right angles to one another. In other words, two sets of yarn (or threads) are woven to make a fabric. The weaving of yarn to make fabrics is done by using 'looms.

3. Knitting :

In knitting a single yarn (or single thread) is used to make a fabric. The process of making a fabric by interlocking loops of single yarn with knitting needles or machines, is called knitting. Knitting is done by hand and also in machine .

29. What is a loom ? For what purpose is it used ? What is the difference between handloom and powerloom ? 

Ans: Loom is a device for making fabrics by weaving yarn or threads .

It is use in weaving of yarn to make fabrics .

The hand loom is worked by hand where as power loom is worked by electric power. 

30. What is meant by natural fibres and synthetic fibres ? Give two examples of natural fibres and two of synthetic fibres ?

Ans: The fibres which are obtained from natural sources like plants and animals are called natural fibres .

The fibres which are obtained from chemical substances are called synthetic fibres . 

Cotton and wool are two natural fibres .

Nylon , polyester are two synthetic fibres .


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