Food and digestion

 Important question answer from the topic food and digestion .

A. Which one is correct ?

1. Sugar and starch are carbohydrates .

a) protein b) carbohydrates c) fat

2 Vitamin A keeps the eyes and skin healthy .

a) Vitamin A b) Vitamin B c) Vitamin C

3. Proper food habits keep healthy and fit both .

a) healthy b) fit  c) both

B. Fill in the blanks :

1. Oesophagus  in the digestive system connects the mouth to the stomach.

2. Saliva softness food in our mouth.

3. Digestion is completed in the small


4. The three glands that help to complete the digestion are liver, gall bladder  an pancreatic gland .

5. Solids move from the large intestine into the rectum

6. The liver secretes bile juice which digest fat .

7. Digestion begins in the mouth .

8. Undigested solid waste is thrown out from the body through the anus .

C. Write T' for true or 'F' for false statements :

1. Digestion begins in the stomach. 


2. Food moves down the oesophagus into the small intestine.


3. Food passes from the small intestine to the large intestine.


4. Undigested solid wastes are present in the rectum.


5. Food should be overcooked.


6. It is enough if we drink a glass of water everyday.


7. Vitamins are needed in large amounts by our body.


8. Preservation help germs to grow well. 


9. Vitamins and minerals are called protective foods.


10. Cheese and milk have lots of proteins.


D. Answer the following questions:

1. What is digestion? Why do we need to digest food?

Ans: Digestion is a process to breaking down the foods into simpler forms so that it can used by the body .

A variety of foods (such as rice, wheat, oil, ghee, milk ,egg, chicken and vegetables etc ) contain all kind of nutrients . To get all these nutrients in our body we need to digest foods in our body .

2. What is the oesophagus? What is its function?

Ans: Oesophagus is a long food pipe which is a connection between mouth and stomach and a part of digestive system .

Functions of oesophagus are : 

1. It connects the mouth to the stomach.

2. It passes the chewed foods from the mouth to the stomach .

3. What happens to the food in the stomach?

Ans: Stomach is a hollow , muscular bag . When chewed food comes to the stomach the food is further digested .

The food is churned in the stomach for about three to four hours . During this time stomach secrets hydrochloride acid and digestive juices .

Hydrochloride acid kills bacteria which may enter the stomach with food .

Digestive juices break down the proteins present in the food into simpler substances .

4. Define the following terms 

(a) Nutrients : Food is made up of useful substances called nutrients. These nutrients are present in different food items in different quantities .   

The five nutrients are carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals. Water and roughage also form an important part of our food.

(b) Balanced diet : A diet that contains the right amounts of A carbohydrates, proteins, fats, mineral salts, vitamins, roughage and water is called a balanced diet. 

To stay healthy and grow well, it is essential to have a balanced diet.

(c) Roughage : Roughage is the fibre present in the food we eat. It helps our body to get rid of wastes. Skins of fruits e.g., apple, guava, pear, etc. contain a lot of fibre.

(d) Food Preservation :  Food preservation is scientific process by which we can preserve foods for a long time . 

To prevent foods from getting spoilt it can be preserved in many ways .

Such as boiling milk, freezing meat, salting pickles and canning fruits and juices etc .

5. What happens to the undigested food?

Ans: The undigested food moves from large intestine into the rectum and finally passes out through the anus when we go to toilet and defecate .


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