Our nervous system and sense organs

 Important question answer from the topic Nervous system 

A. Which one is correct ?

1. Our nervous system consists of the brain, the spinal cord and the

a. blood vessels

b. nerves

c. lungs 

Ans: c) lungs

2. Our brain needs a constant supply of

a. oxygen

b. nitrogen

c. lungs

Ans: a) oxygen

3. When we happen to touch a hot object, the sensory nerve immediately
passes a message to the

a. brain

b. spinal cord

c. hands

Ans: a) brain

4. ______is the largest organ in our body.

a. skin

b. nose

C. ears

Ans: a) skin

B. Fill in the blanks :

1. The brain is control centre of the body .

2. The brain has three parts .

3. There are nerve endings on the upper part of the nose .

4. The coloured circle in the eye is the iris .

C. Write 'T' for true or 'F' for false :

1. The cerebellum coordinates the actions of the muscles.

Ans: True 

2. The actions controlled by the spinal cord are called reflex actions. 

Ans: True

3. The ears enable us to keep our balance.

Ans: True

4. The pupil is an opening in our eye through which light enters.

Ans: True

D. Match the following:

1. Sense organs    a. Three parts

2. Brain                  b. Black spot

3. Pupil.                  c. Automatic action

4. Reflex actions   d.  Five

Ans: 1-d, 2-a, 3-b, 4-c

E. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the nervous system made up of?

Ans: Nervous system made of brain, spinal cord and nerves . 
Nervous system is also known as master system as it controlls all the other system of our body .

2. Name the different parts of the brain.

Ans: Brain has mainly three parts .
These are 
1. Cerebrum 
2. Cerebellum
3. Media oblongata .

3. What are nerves and what are their functions? 

Ans: Nerves are the thin thread like structures present throughout the body . They link every part of the body to the brain .
There are three kinds of nerves . These are .. 
1. Sensory nerves .
2. Motor nerves .
3. Mixed nerves . 

4. How can you keep your skin healthy?

Ans: Skin is the largest organ in our body . 

To keep our skin healthy 
● We should have bath with soap and clean water 
● We should wear clean clothes 
● We should protect our skin from scorching sun rays .


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