Sanitation of food and water

 Answer the following questions :

1. What is sanitation?

Ans : Sanitation refers to public health condition related to clean drinking water and adequate treatment and disposal of human excreta and sewage 

2. Why should drinking water be purified?

Ans: Water may contains germs which make us sick . This water may cause of many diseases like typhoid, cholera, jaundice etc .

Therefore it is necessary to purify the drinking water .

3. What is canning?

Ans: Canning is a method of food preservation by which food can be preserved in air tight containers where moisture and air can not enter into it .They also keep away insects, rodents etc from preserved food. 

4. What are drying and dehydrating methods?

Ans: Drying and dehydration are food preservative systems . Where the food can be preserved for many days as the water content is removed from the food completely . Peas , pulses etc are preserved by this method .

5. What do you mean by sweetening?

Ans: Sweetening is also a method of food preservation . 

Fruits lile mango, apple, ete are preserved in strong sugar solution . This solution drains out bacterial cells and kills them .

6. What are the various methods of purifying the water?

Ans: The various methods of water are of different types 

1. physical process such as filtration, sedimentation, distillation

2. Chemical process such as chlorination, flocculation etc

3. Biological process such as slow sand filter and biological active carbon 


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