Food and health

 Answer the following questions: 

1. Name the various nutrients of the food.

Ans: The various nutrients of food are carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals .

2. Why are vitamins called protective foods?

Ans: Vitamins are called as protective foods because vitamins protect our body from from diseases and keep our body healthy .

3. Name the different types of vitamins.

Ans: Different kinds of vitamins are 

Vitamin A,  Citamin B (B-complex), Vitamin C , Vitamin D , Vitamin E, Vitamin K .

4. What are functions of different minerals?

Ans: Different minerals have different functions such as

Iron builds red blood cell (RBC)

Iodine is essential for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland which controls the growth of the body .

Calcium makes the teeth and bones strong 

5. What is roughage? Why is it important?

Ans: Roughage keeps the food and waste matter (faeces) moving along the intestines and helps to prevent constipation .

6. Why is water necessary for our body? 

Ans: Water is very much essential in our body though it has no food value .

Water helps to move the food through digestive system and excretory system

Surround and protect the delicate body parts like eyes , kidney, brain etc

Also helps to dissolve the food and digest nutrinents. 

7. What is a balanced diet?

Ans: A diet that contains adequate amount of all the nutrients which keeps our body healthy, strong and disease free .

8. Why is physical exercise essential for our body?

Ans: Physical exercise is essential because 

• It makes our heart beat faster and improves blood circulation.

• We breathe faster and deeper. Thus, more intake of oxygen and more carbon dioxide and vapour is given out.

• It helps the nervous system by supplying extra blood to brain.

• It leads to more sweating. It helps the body wastes to be excreted.


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