Respiration in organisms

Very Short Answer Type Questions

1. Name the process by which energy is released from the digested food 

Ans: The process by which energy is released from the digested food is respiration .

2. Name the two gases which are exchanged during relation 

Ans: The two gases which are exchanged during relation are oxygen and carbon di oxide .

3. State whether the following statements are true or false

(a) Respiration is a type of combustion at ordinary temperature. True

(b) Oxygen is released during the process of respiration False

(c) Energy can be released in the cells without oxygen True

(d) During heavy exercise, the breathing rate of a person slow down 


(e) The size of chest cavity increases during inhalation True .

(f) Frogs breathe through lungs as well as skin True

(g) Fish has lungs for breathing False

(h) Whales and dolphins live in water and heathe through gills False .

(i) Insects breathe through spiracles and tracheae True

4. Nane an animal in which exchange of gases during breathing takes place through Its thin and moist skin

Ans: Earthworm is an animal in which exchange of gases during breathing takes place through Its thin and moist skin .

5. Name one animal which can breathe through lungs as well as skin.

Ans: Frog is an animal which can breathe through lungs as well as skin.

6. Name an animal which breathes through gills .

Ans: Fish is an animal which breathes through gills .

7.Name one animal which gets oxygen for breathing and respiration through tiny holes in it's body which are connected to a network of thin air-tubes ( trachea ) .

Ans: Any insects like mosquito is an animal which gets oxygen for breathing and respiration through tiny holes in it's body which are connected to a network of thin air-tubes (trachea).  

8. Name one organism which can live without oxygen.

Ans: Yeast can live without oxygen .

9. Name one anaerobe  (anaerobic organism)

Ans: Yeast is an one anaerobe  (anaerobic organism) .

10. What type of respiration usually takes place in yeast?

Ans: Anaerobic respiration take place in yeast .

11. Name the substance who build up in the muscle during vigorous physical exercise may cause cramps.

Ans: Accumulation of lactic acid build up in the muscle during vigorous physical exercise may cause cramps.

12. Name the single-celled organism which is used to make wine and beer by the process of anaerobic resspiration. 

Ans: Yeast is the single-celled organism which is used to make wine and beer by the process of anaerobic resspiration. 

13. What happens to your breathing rate when you 

(a) exercise ? Increase or faster

(b) go to sleep ? Decrease or slowest .

14. (4) Name the skeletal structure surrounding the chest cavity Rib cage .

Name the muscular floor of the chest cavity Diaphragm .

15. Which contains more carbon dioxide: inhaled air or exhaled air ?

Ans: Exhaled air contains more carbon dioxide .

16. Which contains less oxygen inhaled air or exhaled air ? 

Ans: Exhaled air contains less oxygen .

17. Which contains more water vapour: inhaled air or exhaled air ? 

Ans: Exhaled air contains more water vapour .

18. What are the percentages of oxygen and carbon dioxide

(a) in inhaled air ? exhaled air ?

Ans: In inhaled air : 

Oxygen 21% 

Carbon dioxide 0.04%

Water vapour a little 

In exhaled air 

Oxygen 16.4%

Carbon dioxide 4.4%

Water vapour a lot

(b) 19. Name the breathing organs in the human body .

Ans: Lungs is the breathing organs in the human body .

20. In the lungs:

(a) what substance is taken into the body ? Oxygen .

(b) what substance is removed from the body ? Carbon dioxide .

21. Which gases are exchanged in our lungs

Ans: Oxygen and carbon di oxide gases are exchanged in our lungs .

22. Where does the blood absorb oxygen in the human body ? 

Ans: The oxygen of air diffuses out from the alveoli into the blood in the capillaries .

23. Name the red pigment in blood which carries oxygen in the human body

Ans: Haemoglobin is the red pigment in blood which carries oxygen in the human body .

24. Name the openings in our body through which we inhale air. 

Ans: Nostrils are the openings in our body through which we inhale air. 

25. Name one bad habit which can cause lung cancer

Ans: Smoking causes cancer 

26. Which group of animals have spiracles and tracheae for breathing and respiration ?

Ans: Insects have spiracles and tracheae for breathing and respiration .

27. What is the average breathing rate of a human adult at rest ? 

Ans: The average breathing rate of a human adult at rest is 15 to 18 times in a minute .

28. Name the air-tubes of insects

Ans: The air tubes of insects are known as trachea .

29. Name the small openings (holes) on the sides of the body of an insect .

Ans : The small openings (holes) on the sides of the body of an insect is spiracles .

30. Name the tiny pores on the surface of leaves of a plant through which gas exchange occurs.

Ans: The tiny pores on the surface of leaves of a plant through which gas exchange occurs are stomata .

31. Name any two parts of plant through which exchange of gases takes place during respiration. 

Ans: Leaves (stomata) , roots (root hairs) are two parts of plant through which exchange of gases takes place during respiration. 

32. Which of the two can respire independently : plant parts or animal parts ? 

Ans: Plant parts can respire independently .

33. From where do roots absorb air needed for respiration ?

Ans: Roots absorb air from the spaces between the soil and particles .

34. State any one use of yeast

Ans: Yeast is use vastly in wine factories  .

35. Fill in the following blanks with suitable words 

(a) The process of respiration is the reverse of Photosynthesis . 

(b) Food can also be broken down without using oxygen .

(c) Anaerobic respiration in muscles occurs if there is no oxygen available .

(d) Anaerobie respiration by yeast converts glucose into alcohol which is used in making wine and beer.

(e) Yeast is a Single celled organism.

(f) If a person is doing exercise, his breathing rate increases .

(g) Breathing involves the movement of diaphrahm and the rib cage .

(h) When we exercise, not only do we breathe faster, we also take deep breathe .

 (i) The taking in air rich in oxygen into the body is called inhalation .

(j) The expelling of air rich in carbon dioxide from the body is called exhalation .

(k) In human body, oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged in the lungs 

(l) In earthworm, exchange of gases occurs through the skin .

(m) In fishes, exchange of gases occurs through gills. 

(n) In insects, exchange of gases occurs through trachea .

(O) Dolphins and whales breathe through blowholes .

(p) In plant cells, oxygen is used to break down glucose into carbon dioxide and water , and release energy .

Short Answer Type Questions

36. What is meant by respiration ? Write a word equation for it. What is the main difference between aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration ?
Ans: The process of releasing energy from food is called respiration which involves taking of oxygen into the cells using it for releasing energy by burning food and then eliminating waste products from the body .

In case of aerobic respiration oxygen require where as anaerobic respiration take place without oxygen .

37. What are the two main parts in the process of respiration ? What type of respiration takes place (a) in the absence of oxygen, and (b) in the presence of oxygen?
Ans: Inhalation and exhalation are the two main parts of respiration .
Anaerobic respiration take place in the absence of oxygen .
Aerobic respiration take place in the presence of oxygen .

38. Match the items given in column I with those given in column II:

Column I               Column II

(i) ) Yeast                Alcohol

(ii) Diaphragm      Lungs and skin 

(iii) Skin                  Earthworm 

(iv) Leaves              Stomata

(v) Fish                    Gills

(vi) Frog                  Lungs and skin 

(vii) Insects            Trachea

39. In which type of respiration, aerobic or anaerobic more energy is released from the same amount glucose ? Why ?
Ans: In case of Aerobic respiration more energy is released from the same amount glucose.

Because complete breakdown of food occurs in case of aerobic respiration where as incomplete breakdown of food occurs in case of anaerobic respiration .

(40). List the similarities between aerobic respiration and anderobic respiration. 

See page no 152

(41).  List the differences between aerobic respiration and

Ans: See page no 153

42.Why does running make a man breathe faster?

Ans: Running makes a person breathe faster because the faster breathing rate supplies more oxygen to the body cells for releasing more energy required for running. 

43. Explain why, whenever a person needs extra energy. he breathes faster. 

44. Why does an athlete breathe faster and deeper than usual even after finishing the race 7


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