Body movemnets

Very Short Answer Type Questions 

1. What runs through the centre of the backbone

Ans: Spinal cord runs through the centre of the backbone .

2. What is the name of small bones which make up backbone ?

Ans: Vertebrae is the name of small bones which make up backbone .

3. What is present between the various vertebrae of backbone ? 

Ans: Disc of cartilage (soft bone) is present between the various vertebrae of backbone .

4. What are the curved bones present in our chest known as ?

Ans: The curved bones present in our chest known as ribs or ribcage .

5. Name the material which gives support and shape to organs like ears and nose. 

Ans: Skul gives support and shape to the organs like ears and nose .

6. What type of joint connects our head to the neck ?

Ans: Pivot joint connects our head to the necks .

7. What type of joints are mainly present in the skull ?

Ans: Immovable joints are mainly found in the skul .

8. Which of the two allows a greater movement of bones: a ball and socket joint or a hinge joint ? 

Ans: Ball and socket joint allows a greater movement of bones .

9. What type of joint makes our head turn from side to side ?

Ans: Pivot joint makes our head turn from side to side .

10. Which of the following has endoskeleton and which and which an exoskeleton ? Cockroach, Humans .

Ans: Cockroach has exoskeleton and Human has endoskeleton. 

11. Name an animal which moves by lengthening and shortening its body segments alternately .

Ans: Earthworm moves by lengthening and shortening its body segments alternately .

12. Name an animal which moves by using its large, disc-shaped muscular foot.

Ans: Snail moves by using its large, disc-shaped muscular foot.

13. Which of the two moves faster an earthworm or a snail?

Ans: An earthworm moves faster than a snail .

14. Name an animal which swims in water by moving its tail from side to side. 

Ans: Fish swims in water by moving its tail from side to side. 

15. Name an animal which moves on ground by looping its body sideways

Ans: Snake moves on ground by looping its body sideways .

16. State whether the following statements are true or false : 

(a) The forearm has two bones


(b) The cartilage is harder than a bone. 


(c) The finger bones do not have joints


(d) A cockroach has three pairs of legs 


(e) Cockroaches have an outer skeleton


(f) A snail's shell is made of bone.


(g ) The movement and locomotion of all animals is exactly the same


17. Which part of the skeleton has (a) arms attached to it (b) legs attached to it ?

Ans: Shoulder has arms attached to it and hip bone has legs attached to it .

18. What type of joint is (a) shoulder joint, and (b) hip joint? 

Ans: Ball and socket joint 

19. What type of joint occurs at (a) elbow, and (b) knee ?

Ans: Hinge joint

20. What type of joint exists between (a) upper jaw and rest of skull ?

Ans: Fixed joint exist between upper jaw and and rest of the skull .

(b) lower jaw and rest of skull ? 

AI: Movable joint exists between lower jaw and rest of the skull. 

21. If a boy bends his arm: (a) which of the muscle contracts ? (b) which of the muscle stretches for relaxes)?

Ans: Biceps contracts and Triceps expands or stretches .

22. A traffic policeman stretches out his arm to the right. During this movement 

(a) which of the muscle contracts ? (b) which of the muscle stretches (or relaxes)?

Ans: During this movement Triceps contracts and Biceps expands or stretches

23. Out of biceps and triceps muscles (a) which one causes straightening of arm ? (b) which one causes bending of arm

Ans: Triceps causes straightening of arm and Biceps causes bending of arm .

24. Name two places in our body where pivot joint occur. 

Ans: Pivot joints found in neck and forearm of our body .

25. Fill in the following blanks with suitable words:

(a) A combination of bones and cartilages forms the skeleton .

(b) The upper part of our ear contains

Cartilage .

(c) Joints of the bones help in the movement .

(d) The bones at the elbow are joined by a hinge  joint .

(e) The contraction of the muscles  pulls the bones during movement move the fish forward in water .

(f) Side to side movements of tail fin move the fish forward in water .

Short Answer Type Questions

26. Name two birds which can also swim in water. What kind of feet do they have

27. How does a bird fly in air ?

28. What happens when

(a) your biceps muscle contacts your triceps muscle contracts

(b) 29. Name two animals which move with legs and two animals following move with legs and

30. Which of (4) Snail


() Humans


which move without legs

which without legs

() Foh

(e) Cockroach

31. Match the items in column with one or more item of column U

Column I

Upper jaw (1) Fish

Colunen It

have fins on the body () has an outer skeleton


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