

  1.  What type of climate is found on   hills? Ans: Cold and dry climate is found on hills. On hilly region temperature is very cold as there snow fall take place frequently and for that we can see so many special characters of the hilly region plant to survive on that particular area. 2.  How do conifers save water? Ans: Conifers have needle like leaves containing wax material coating which help them to avoid water loss. 3. What are mangroves? Ans: Area which has lots of water and the soil is sticky and clayey is called marshy area. The trees that grow here are called as mangroves. Example: Rhizopora , Sundari etc. 4.  How does a tree living in desert keep itself cool when it is hot? Ans: A plant (tree) living in a desert area increases the humidity of its surrounding's air and the water vapour absorb the heat of that area . Thus the temperature decrease and plant keeps itself cool.  5.  Distinguish among the three types of aquatic plants . Ans: There are three types of aquatic p


                                                              OUR GREEN FRIENDS 1. What are the functions of a leaf? Ans:  Most of the plants have green leaves which perform various functions. 1.  Food preparation  :  Green plants prepare their own food by the process of photosynthesis . 2.  Respiration :  Leaves of the plant contain stomata which help in respiration.  3.  Prevention of global warming : During photosynthesis leaves absorb carbon-di-oxide and release pure , cold oxygen gas . Thus leaves of the plants prevent our environment from global warming. 2. Why are plants called producers? Ans: Our body can not make food but a plant can makes their own food . As the green plants can prepare their own food by the process of photosynthesis therefore plants are called as Producers. 3. How do plants use the food they prepare? Ans: Plants use the foods to grow and live.  The extra food prepare by the plants is stored in different parts of the plants such as roots, stem, fruit & se

Body movemnets

Very Short Answer Type Questions  1. What runs through the centre of the backbone Ans: Spinal cord runs through the centre of the backbone . 2. What is the name of small bones which make up backbone ? Ans: Vertebrae is the name of small bones which make up backbone . 3. What is present between the various vertebrae of backbone ?  Ans: Disc of cartilage (soft bone) is present between the various vertebrae of backbone . 4. What are the curved bones present in our chest known as ? Ans: The curved bones present in our chest known as ribs or ribcage . 5. Name the material which gives support and shape to organs like ears and nose.  Ans: Skul gives support and shape to the organs like ears and nose . 6. What type of joint connects our head to the neck ? Ans: Pivot joint connects our head to the necks . 7. What type of joints are mainly present in the skull ? Ans: Immovable joints are mainly found in the skul . 8. Which of the two allows a greater movement of bones: a ball and socket joint or

Respiration in organisms

Very Short Answer Type Questions 1. Name the process by which energy is released from the digested food  Ans: The process by which energy is released from the digested food is respiration . 2. Name the two gases which are exchanged during relation  Ans: The two gases which are exchanged during relation are oxygen and carbon di oxide . 3. State whether the following statements are true or false (a) Respiration is a type of combustion at ordinary temperature. True (b) Oxygen is released during the process of respiration False (c) Energy can be released in the cells without oxygen True (d) During heavy exercise, the breathing rate of a person slow down  False (e) The size of chest cavity increases during inhalation True . (f) Frogs breathe through lungs as well as skin True (g) Fish has lungs for breathing False (h) Whales and dolphins live in water and heathe through gills False . (i) Insects breathe through spiracles and tracheae True 4. Nane an animal in which exchange of gases during

Getting to know plants

Very Short Answer Type Questions 1. Name the process by which plants make food  Ans: Photosynthesis is  the process by which plants make food . 2 Name the part of a plant which produces its food.  Ans: Green leaf is  the part of a plant which produces its food. 3. What substance in the leaves gives them a green colour ? Ans: The chemical  substance chlorophyll present in the leaves gives them a green colour   4. What is the main vein of a leaf known as ?  Ans: The  main vein of a leaf known as mid rib . 5. Name the green pigment present in the leaves of a plant. Ans: Chlorophyll is  the green pigment present in the leaves of a plant. 6. (a) Name a gas used in photosynthesis.  Carbondioxide (b) Name a gas produced in photosynthesis. Oxygen . 7. Name the process by which plant leaves lose water into the air. Ans Transpiration is  the process by which plant leaves lose water into the air. 8. Which substance is used to remove chlorophyll from a green leaf during photosynthesis experiments

Air and water

Answer the following questions: 1. What is the percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere? Ans: The  percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere is 21%  . 2. Name the instrument which is used to measure atmosphere pressure. Ans: The  instrument which is used to measure atmosphere pressure is Barometer . 3. Name two methods of purify water. Ans : Boiling and filtration are two  methods of purify water . 4. What is loading Ans: Loading is process in which heavy particles settle down at the bottom . 5. Write an activity to show that air occupies space. Ans:  • Take an empty glass and a bucket half filled with water. • Put the inverted glass into the bucket of water. This must be done very quickly and forcefully. The glass must be kept straight and put inside in an inverted position. • The water does not enter the inverted glass. Why? The air present in the empty glass prevents the water from entering it. • When we tilt the glass held in water, we find that of air present in the glass goes out in t

Weather , climate and adaptation

  1. What is the primary source of energy which causes changes in the weather ? Ans: Sun is the primary source of energy which causes changes in weather . 2. Name any two activities of our daily life which are planned according to the weather on a day.  Ans: We wear light coloured clothes during summer days and we prefer to wear dark colour clothes in winter . 3. What term is used to denote the amount of water vapour (or moisture) in air ? Ans: The term humidity is used to denote the amount of water vapour (or moisture) in air . 4. Name the instrument used to measure the rainfall at a place.  Ans: The instrument used to measure the rainfall at a place is rain gauge . 5. Name the unit in which rainfall is measured.  Ans: Millimeters (mm) is the unit in which rainfall is measured . 6. Which of two changes frequently weather or climate ? Ans: Weather changes frequently . 7. Name one state (or region) each in India having the following (a) Very hot and wet  Kerala (b) Hot and dry